by Morgan Farrell | October 2024

Recent political cycles in the United States - and the issues driving them - have become increasingly contentious, if not outright divisive. So much so that in fact, this current presidential campaign has been touted as a battle for the very soul of America. Democracy itself, according to some, hangs in the balance. Naturally, an event of such consequence and intrigue demands investigation.

This project was initiated on September 17, 2024, and was completed in just over two weeks time, on October 4. The purpose was to determine the who assumes office as a result of the upcoming US presidential

By Daniel Mann | March 2023

This is a beginning of sorts, no matter how small it may be. I am not seeking to create a cult of personality. I do not seek a following. I do not aspire to be a David Wilcock, or an Ed Dames, a Linda Moulton Howe, an Art Bell, a George Noory, any sort of ‘influencer’, nor a Remote Viewing ‘personality’. It feels so… dirty. Dirty to even think about it happening, let alone in an ‘influencer’ sort of way.

I only offer information.

Take it or leave it. I care not.

I care only to make it available to those who….

By Morgan Farrell | February 2023

This article is intended outline some of the practical uses of remote viewing on a more personal level. This article will do so by examining a number of individual health-related RV projects I was involved with early in my RV career. It is my intention to provide not only several real-world examples of RV at work, but also to provide some insight into the skill itself, and the execution of a basic remote viewing project. Please note that all case studies discussed in this body of work are done so with the explicit consent of all parties involved; client confidentiality and privacy are of the utmost , and therefore all names have been changed to protect these individuals’ identities.

By Daniel Mann | July 2022

When stumbling upon Remote Viewing for the first time, one usually thinks to themselves - what is going on here? Why are there so many different types of Remote Viewing? What are these squiggly line things? How does one get this information? Where does this information come from? How do these sketches come about? How does this work? This editorials goal is to demonstrate what to expect from a Remote Viewing session and what it produces. The product of this mental process and many years of perfective practice culminates in…

By Morgan Farrell | June 2022

The world finds itself in an increasingly tumultuous state, with international tensions rising steadily. The recent outbreak of hostilities between Russia and the Ukraine are symptomatic of larger issues, and quite possibly indicative of broader trends. As such, we believe it prudent to explore any such issues using our unique tool set, and to divulge our results publicly. The fog of war rolls thick and fast, making reliable and accurate information hard to come by and difficult to discern. This is inevitable, notwithstanding…

By Morgan Farrell | February 2022

It is our assessment that western culture, as broadly defined through evolution and revolution going back some 800 years, finds itself again at a crossroads. As such, we have elected to adjust our focus with near exclusivity to collecting and disseminating actionable intelligence in an attempt to assist ourselves, our families, and the general public in understanding where we are, and where we are headed, and in navigating these tumultuous times. This project was designed as an objective fact-finding mission, a means of….

by Morgan Farrell | January 2022

For centuries, the mysterious phenomenon known as Spontaneous Human Combustion has puzzled both amateur and professional researchers. To date, no satisfactory explanation for this rare occurrence has emerged, which makes it an excellent subject for a Remote Viewing investigation. Our Remote Viewing study into this strange phenomenon focused on a single and seemingly typical case - that of Mary Reeser. Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC) is broadly defined as an anomalous event where a human…

By Brian Lightfoot | November 2021

Have you ever wondered what the purpose of human emotion was?

We did.

In this project video report, we contrast existing theories - survival, motivation, decision-making, emotional bonding, & reconciling self-identity - with our Remote Viewing results. These results will likely vary in further explorations; However, we find support for some of these official theories, plus one BIG surprise.

By Michael Chung | September 2021

You start the day out normally. The blaring of your alarm wakes you from a pleasant dream that is already fading fast. You stare at the numbers on the clock and you bemoan about wishing you could just have five more minutes of rest, yet you begrudgingly roll out of bed instead. Your morning routine is pretty standard – breakfast, getting ready, finding something nice to wear, etc. As you are about to leave home, you wonder if you have time to squeeze in a quick errand before work or maybe you don’t want to risk rushing this…

By Morgan Farrell | August 2021

As the global SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, so have our reactions societally. These reactions have been driven by a concerted effort between governmental and non-governmental bureaucracies: advised by public health departments, enforced by the media, and adopted by a largely responsive citizenry, measures both recommended and enforced have been objectively novel and unprecedented. The most recent and broadly adopted COVID countermeasure to date has been the rapid…

by Jeff Coley | March 2021

Starting in the 1920's, a series of papers was written and eventually organized into a collection known as The Urantia Book.  However, this book is quite different than most.  Rather than having a human author, it is alleged to have been given to mankind from non-human, 'celestial' sources.  The material was said to have been 'transmitted' to a certain person who received it while asleep in a trance.  This person, or 'channeller', spoke aloud the material which was then written down by others present in the room. "The Urantia Book…

By DANIEL MANN | January 2021

It is historically believed that Humanity emerged and migrated away from the cradle of East Africa. We drifted northward from Africa into Europe, and then towards greater Asia. Next, we traveled onward to the North, East, Central and South Americas. As this expansion into the rest of the globe progressed, we find that the establishment of civilizations like the ancient Vedic Society, Sumer and Mesopotamia, The Achaemenid Empire, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, and others began forming out of humanity’s nomadic…

Corona Virus Disease 2019 by Morgan Farrell | December 2020

The Bell Witch of Tennessee by Jeff Coley | November 2020

The Origin of Modern Humanity By Daniel Mann | September 2020

The Origin of Genesis 1:1 By Jeff Coley | June 2020

Origins of Our Universe By Michael Chung | May 2020

The Underground has Launched. By Daniel Mann | April 2020


The Next US President

by Morgan Farrell | October 2024

Recent political cycles in the United States - and the issues driving them - have become increasingly contentious, if not outright divisive. So much so that in fact, this current presidential campaign has been touted as a battle for the very soul of America. Democracy itself, according to some, hangs in the balance. Naturally, an event of such consequence and intrigue demands investigation.

This project was initiated on September 17, 2024, and was completed in just over two weeks time, on October 4. The purpose was to determine the who assumes office as a result of the upcoming US presidential election, using remote viewing (RV) as a means of predictive intelligence. Please note that this report is not intended to convey the personal opinions of the author / project manager, or any of the project participants, which vary greatly. It is intended only to present the results of a blind remote viewing

The End of Woke

by Morgan Farrell | February 2022

It is our assessment that western culture, as broadly defined through evolution and revolution going back some 800 years, finds itself again at a crossroads. As such, we have elected to adjust our focus with near exclusivity to collecting and disseminating actionable intelligence in an attempt to assist ourselves, our families, and the general public in understanding where we are, and where we are headed, and in navigating these tumultuous times. This project was designed as an objective fact-finding mission, a means of “looking ahead” in time at the changing landscape of western culture*. Conversely, one could equally regard this report as an historical perspective, conveniently made available early. Specifically, we set out to determine the single most significant cultural change to occur in the United States within fifteen months of the project’s commission. Work began in late December, 2021, effectively enveloping a time-frame running through late March, 2023.


By Morgan Farrell | February 2023

This article is intended outline some of the practical uses of remote viewing on a more personal level. This article will do so by examining a number of individual health-related RV projects I was involved with early in my RV career. It is my intention to provide not only several real-world examples of RV at work, but also to provide some insight into the skill itself, and the execution of a basic remote viewing project. Please note that all case studies discussed in this body of work are done so with the explicit consent of all parties involved; client confidentiality and privacy are of the utmost…

By Daniel Mann | July 2022

When stumbling upon Remote Viewing for the first time, one usually thinks to themselves - what is going on here? Why are there so many different types of Remote Viewing? What are these squiggly line things? How does one get this information? Where does this information come from? How do these sketches come about? How does this work? This editorials goal is to demonstrate what to expect from a Remote Viewing session and what it produces. The product of this mental process and many years of perfective practice culminates in a single page…

By Morgan Farrell | August 2020

Like many other revolutionary technologies that facilitate our modern lifestyle – nuclear power, GPS, the Internet, to name a few – remote viewing (RV) began as a Top-Secret Special Access Program accessible only to select high-ranking individuals in the US government. Since its declassification in 1995, RV has become increasingly popular for both personal and corporate use. Remote viewing represents the cutting edge of the still-emerging field of applied consciousness tools, and may prove in the long run, to be the most important discovery of the 20th century…

By Morgan Farrell | July 2020

Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions we receive regarding remote viewing and dowsing, and our use of these tools from a practical standpoint.  Since the field of applied consciousness tools is still an emerging one, some of the ideas presented here may be entirely new to some people.  Our goal is to help establish these ideas as common and practical, and to address this complex subject matter in an accessible manner.  If you have further questions, or are interested in pursuing the use of these tools, please feel free to contact…

What is Remote Viewing?

Remote viewing (RV) is a teachable-learnable skillset, designed to assist you in accessing the normally inaccessible layers of your mind, namely the subconscious and unconscious, in order to harness their immense processing power and intuitive capabilities. The term “remote viewing” refers to a very specific protocol, including several subsets of methodologies, originally designed for military intelligence use, by a team of researchers based out of the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International), during the late 1960’s and through the 1980’s. These discoveries have since been made available to the public, where they have been developed well beyond their original scope for military-intelligence use, to a vast array of practical, real-world applications.

How does Remote Viewing work?

The best underlying theory is as follows: our minds exist as discrete points of individual conscious awareness, immersed in a field of information. This information field is the core of our existence and governs the functionality of our universe – including consciousness itself. In order to operate in our daily lives, the vast majority of the information field that we are apart of, remains inaccessible to our conscious awareness. RV as a formal protocol and methodology was developed over several decades of research and experimentation conducted by physicists and test subjects at SRI International at the behest of the US government’s intelligence services. By studying the mannerisms and processes of a natural “psychic” under lab-controlled conditions, the team was eventually able to reverse-engineer this skill into a teachable model, outlined here:

  1. A discrete “target” is selected by an individual independent of the Remote Viewer. This can be any person, place, thing, or event, in the past, present, or future. The target is objectified as a written set of instructions, a photograph, or some combination thereof, and are assigned a random identification number, then hidden.

  2. The remote viewer is provided only with the random identification number, to prevent them from being influenced by any preconceived notions about the target. The remote viewer engages in their preferred RV methodology, recording information in the form of written data and sketches.

  3. After completing the RV session, the remote viewer is shown their intended target, and their accuracy is determined. For real-world applications, the accuracy of the information may not be readily determined at that time, or, in some cases, action must be taken.

Remote Viewers have several options in terms of their preferred methodology, primarily “awake and aware” methods, “deep relaxation” methods, and “free-form” methods.

These can be described as follows:

1. Awake and aware methodologies are performed precisely as the name implies. These are essentially a rigidly structured series of rapid-fire question and answer sequences, interspersed with periods of spontaneous sketching. At the end of a session, the remote viewer assembles the data generated into a cohesive picture or narrative prior to being shown the intended target for comparison and judging. There are several minor variants of awake and aware methodologies commonly used today.

2. Deep relaxation methods are performed in the Hypnagogic State, bordering on sleep. This method is much more akin to an out-of-body experience, and the time and discipline required to maintain a quality session earned it the moniker “extended remote viewing”, or ERV.

3. Free-form methods are just that: totally absent structure of other methods. Essentially, a free-form remote viewer attempts to gather information regarding their intended target in their own personal manner. This method is typically the least reliable, as it lacks the defined structure and therefore repeatability of the awake and aware methods, and (to a lesser degree) ERV methods.

About Us

Intuitive Underground is an informal organization comprised of individuals trained in the use of advanced, intuition-based data acquisition and information analysis tools, primarily remote viewing (RV). We have been working together since 2012, and our team has a combined experience of almost three decades. Our goal in launching this web platform is to demonstrate the various applications of RV and similar tools in uncovering difficult to obtain information regarding a variety of subject matters. Although this website’s focus is about our message and information, you can find out more about us and our background on the About page.

We hope that you enjoy what we have to offer, and encourage you to explore these areas further for yourself. We would also love to hear your feedback, so please feel free to send us your questions and comments via the contact page. We are also looking forward to interacting over various social media webpages about these topics and more. We encourage you to visit and interact at the appropriate locations.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to assist in the formation of a future in which an advanced humanity has accepted the use of advanced problem solving tools such as remote viewing, and the information that can be gleaned from the use of such tools.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to demonstrate the power and practicality of advanced problem solving tools – primarily Remote Viewing – with honesty and integrity. We intend to share significant and interesting information we have uncovered using these tools, and to encourage individuals to discover their own intuitive capabilities.



Topics We’re Working On:

The Mandela Effect

Deja Vu

What is “Reality”?

The Relics of Antarctica

Taking Remote Viewing into the Field for Discovery

Earth’s 1st Gigawatt Power Generation Method

Anatomy of an RV Treasure Hunt

What is “Human Consciousness”?

Dead Talk Radio

The Most Significant Remote Viewing Target

An in depth exploration of Ideograms

The Human EGO

How Remote Viewing Works

Breaking the Cycle of Reincarnation   

The Future of U.S. / China Relations

The Lunar Wave

Regional Forecasting

What is a Yawn? Why?

Remote Viewing Lost Treasure

Viewing Current Events

What is a “Black Hole”?

Tabby’s Star and It’s Fluctuations

What are “Demons”?

The Greatest Human Potential

- The Remote View Podcast - - Regional & Global Event Forecasting -



This website is created for educational purposes only and does not provide any professional advice of any kind. Professional advice can only be given with a full understanding of a client’s unique personal situation. Accordingly, any recommendations, advice, or information provided on this website should be viewed within the context of general information and education. If you require additional advice or guidance, we recommend you contact us through the contact form above.

Under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

All the information posted on this website, unless otherwise noted, is owned and copyrighted by UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE LLC.


All rights are reserved.