Practical Remote Viewing: Case Studies in Personal Health
By Morgan Farrell | February 2023
This article is intended to outline some of the practical uses of remote viewing on a more personal level. This article will do so by examining a number of individual health-related RV projects I was involved with early in my RV career. It is my intention to provide not only several real-world examples of RV at work, but also to provide some insight into the skill itself, and the execution of a basic remote viewing project. Please note that all case studies discussed in this body of work are done so with the explicit consent of all parties involved; client confidentiality and privacy are of the utmost importance, and therefore all names have been changed to protect these individuals’ identities. It should also be noted that I am a remote viewer, not a doctor, and that all RV-generated data is intended to be used for educational / informational purposes only.
All cases discussed herein were conducted under strict blind RV protocol. In other words, as the remote viewer, I had zero foreknowledge of the target until after all RV session work was complete. A remote viewing project begins with a target, typically in the form of a photograph, or a written cue. In the case of a written cue, it becomes important to use very specific terminology, much like a database search term – after all, one can only expect to answer the exact question one asks. This determination is made by the project manager after discussing the project’s goals with the client. The project manager assigns each individual target a unique 8-digit ‘file number’, called a target reference number, or TRN. At this point, the project has begun, and the remote viewer(s) are provided only with the target reference number, and session work commences
Case Study #1 – The Curious Skeptic
Target: Subject’s Name / Optimum Health Trajectory. The “optimum health trajectory” cue is one of the most common personal RV targets. In RV terminology, a personal trajectory refers to an individual’s course in life, from the present time forward. The qualifier optimum is self-explanatory. Combined with the qualifier of health, this cue essentially asks the question: “what does the client need to know, or do, in order to achieve optimal health in his or her life, from this point in time forward?” This particular line of questioning is left intentionally open, in order to cast the widest net possible, in terms of search results. In this first case study, the answer was simple. But more than that – remembering that remote viewers are trained to describe things, not to name them – it provides an interesting glimpse inside the perceptual process that is remote viewing.
RV session results indicated two primary components. The first was described as a small capsule containing a dust-like substance. At this point, I perceived something seemingly nonsensical about the “dust” in the capsule: that it was “kind of alive”. Though this made no sense to me at the time, I recorded the idea on paper and continued on, forgetting about it, as per protocol. Moving on, I perceived that this small capsule was entering a tube, which led downward, into a vat of acid. Here, the capsule was dissolved, and its remnants scattered – some remaining in place, while others continued on downward and through a pair of twisting and turning tubes.
Unknown to myself at the time, the problem had been solved. Project manager Michael Chung, with his extensive background in natural medicine, quickly recognized that my session was describing a probiotic capsule being ingested and making its way through the digestive process, from mouth to intestines. As it turned out, the subject had in fact been suffering from moderate gastrointestinal issues. After visiting his physician and discussing his issues, along with the RV session results, the doctor agreed that a regularly taking a probiotic supplement would be a good place to start. In short order the client reported reduced symptoms, soon followed by complete alleviation. Needless to say, the client was satisfied. No longer a skeptic, he has since become a supporter of the Intuitive Underground’s continuing investigations.
Case Study #2 – Linus The Dog
Naturally, there is no reason that the standard RV approach to health related issues would only apply to humans – and what better way to help understand what is going on inside someone who cannot speak for themselves? Such was the case for Linus the dog. Linus had been suffering from a urinary tract infection for a period of several weeks. Despite numerous changes in diet and routine, the dog’s veterinarian could not seem to get the problem to abate. Lacking any alternative, the dog’s owner, Lisa, enlisted the help of the IU team.
First Target: Linus The Dog / Optimum Health Trajectory. The session results in this case were simple, yet somewhat confusing at the time, though more revealing than we initially knew. RV sketches showed the dog curled up by a fireplace – comfortable, relaxed, enjoying himself – essentially doing nothing. Interestingly, the dog’s owner was also referenced in the session work. She was described as anxious, worried about a situation that she was over complicating and unable to change. The session was clearly on-target, but how did it relate to the problem at hand? Where one might expect the session to indicate a particular healing agent, or perhaps surgery, there was nothing of the sort. The session seemed to be saying, “Just sit and relax. There’s nothing you can do”. Determined to better understand the problem, project manager Jeff Coley approached the situation from an entirely different angle, hoping to solve the problem he had initially intended to by looking at it from a different, more direct perspective.
Second Target: Linus The Dog / Current Urinary Problem / Optimum Available Treatment-Cure. Where an Optimum Health Trajectory cue is designed to be rather ‘open’ in order to encompass and account for any and all health issues – even those as yet undiagnosed – under certain circumstances it may be more prudent to target a particular issue more directly, as in this case. Again, session work was quite clear. RV results pointed toward trace amounts of an unnamed manmade contaminant in the water, local to the pet owner’s neighbourhood as the source of the problem, and that changing the animal’s drinking water supply would alleviate the problem. The results were forwarded to the pet owner, who took action, changing her dog’s water supply. Over the next several weeks, Linus’ health seemed to improve, and all seemed well.
Five Months Later: After Linus’ apparent initial recovery, his health again deteriorated. Fearful that somehow his urinary tract infection had reared its head again, Lisa took her dog to the vet, who ran the full gamut of tests. Unfortunately, this time, the news was grave: Linus had cancer, and it was spreading rapidly. In retrospect, we can see clearly why the initial remote viewing results indicated that there were no intervening actions to be taken: though no one knew why at the time, remote viewing results explicitly indicated that there was no possible way for Linus the dog to achieve optimal health.
Case Study #3 – Foreign Or Domestic?
As we have seen, remote viewing can easily target personal health issues from any number of angles, from their cause or source, to their optimal treatments or even cures. But RV can also be used to simply identify and diagnose issues in an objective and unobtrusive manner. Consider the following example.
Target: The target was a close-up photograph of the inside of the subject’s nose, with a line pointing toward a “bump” at the back of the right nasal cavity. By targeting this bump directly, the project manager was essentially asking the question: “What is the nature of this bump?” The subject was uncertain whether the bump was caused by the presence of a foreign object, or something internal, and merely wanted to distinguish between the two. Provided with nothing more than the target’s 8-digit reference number, I ran the session using the Technical Remote Viewing method, with no expectations as to what might result. Upon reviewing my session after its completion, I was unsure exactly what I was describing – it seemed to be a natural, organic growth below the skin and muscle, almost to the bone inside someone’s body which was causing the surrounding tissue to bulge outward. Having no idea what the target was, I forwarded the session sketches, along with detailed notes to the project manager, and awaited further instructions. Quickly, I was informed that no further remote viewing would be required, and that the problem had been solved. Session data had shown the issue to be nothing more than nasal polyps – a common problem, and not typically more than a nuisance.
Case Study #4 – Chemical Exposure
As previously illustrated, the personalized cue “optimum health trajectory” tends to provide information on an action to be taken: an activity or exercise to engage in, a supplement or drug to take, or even a particular doctor or clinic to visit, to name a few common examples. Since this line of inquiry only asks for the what, the why is generally not indicated, and would normally require its own, separate remote viewing project to determine. However on occasion, we can solve both problems at once, as outlined below.
Target: Client’s Name / Optimum Health Trajectory. For this remote viewing endeavour, initial session results were again quite clear. Session sketches and descriptors indicated the presence of a chemical contaminant build-up within the liver and kidneys of the client through inhalation and absorption due to heavy airborne concentration. In order to mitigate the concentration of this unwanted substance, session work described a specific cleansing regimen involving a homemade, organic cocktail, designed to react with, and flush out the affected organs. Most impressive, however – and ultimately responsible for uncovering the source of the problem – blind session work produced the name of the specific chemical: an industrial-grade fire retardant that the client had been exposed to, and which was previously unknown to all parties involved (name withheld for legal reasons). A report outlining the details was forwarded to the client, who reported back with some interesting news.
The specific chemical named in the session work was fairly common in construction, and only dangerous in its liquid state, during application. As it turned out, the client had an extensive background in hands-on boat building going back several decades. Furthermore, the chemical named in-session was, in fact, re-branded and used as a main ingredient in the particular sealant used by the client during hull construction. The client indicated that past heavy exposure to the chemical was an absolute certainty, and that the next step would be to discuss potential flushing solutions with a friend of his, a naturopathic practitioner. Consultation with the naturopath proved equally enlightening: it so happened that he was an expert in organ cleansing, and in fact produced his own homemade formulae intended for this purpose. When conducted properly, adhering to specific instructions, such cleansing routines can have dramatic results (for more detail, search the Internet for “liver cleanse” and examine some of the image results, but be warned – some of the imagery is rather graphic). The client reported that the cleansing routine had gone accordingly, and after a number of successive flushes, his system had been cleansed.
Final Thoughts
Remote viewing is arguably the most powerful – and most unique – general-purpose problem solving tool currently known to man. Since its early days as a highly classified military spy tool, RV has come a long way, in terms of its expanded application. As outlined above, a trained remote viewer can independently and consistently provide detailed and accurate information about the most complex problem sets – regardless of the subject matter, or level of formal education in a given field. For example, consider the results of the aforementioned case studies. Although the members of the IU team have a combined total of zero hours of formal training in medicine or health, we can use the skillset we are trained in to effectively determine the source or cause of an individual’s ailment, but also the optimal course of treatment or outright eradication, in a purely unobtrusive manner. Naturally, such techniques cannot replace the care and attention of a trained medical professional. However, the use of remote viewing can significantly augment and streamline the process of diagnoses. By incorporating such newly discovered (or perhaps rediscovered) abilities of the human mind, in a synergistic and cooperative manner with more traditional disciplines, our achievements as a species will undergo a dramatic leap forward, into the future.
Main Article Artwork by Scattered Memories by Lacza @ DeviantArt.com
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