Intuitive Underground Intuitive Underground

What Should One Expect…

Since the days of working together in a former Remote Viewing Collective, The State of Reality, our primary motivational goal was and is to get our most important revelatory information out and available to those who may seek it. As much as we would like to make this remote viewing venture a full-time profession: we have to be honest with ourselves and submit a brief synopsis of who, what, and where we are currently.

The overarching business model associated with remote viewing has never truly been a profitable one. We find that it lives as a hobby or an interest that requires tremendous amounts of time, energy, and work. If one takes this skill out to the world in an attempt to make a living with it, one finds an incredibly steep mountain to climb. Additionally, they would be greeted by those who do not understand, do not wish to understand, and feel threatened by it’s presence. For if allowed by the powers that be, it would expedite a world without secrets, and there are many who make a very good living based on secrets and suppression of information.

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Intuitive Underground Intuitive Underground

The Cook’s Perspective

I’m not a writer. I’m not even a good story teller. You have been warned.

‘Blogging’… yuck. I am repulsed by the word as it appears on the page. It has this pretentious quality to it that makes me feel sick.

Editorial, maybe?

Perspective sounds better.

A point of view from which to describe my mind set, or perhaps to expound upon Impressions, Beliefs, Sentiments, Observations, and, yes, Perspectives.

Perspectives from this nobody.

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