The Origin of Modern Humanity
By Daniel Mann | September 2020
Evolution and Darwin: These words are synonymous with a theory of adaptive change. They have notoriously been destructive to the dogma of the ordained and laymen alike throughout the fading years of the late 19th century. The progeny of this process, Evolution, is the subtle successive changes that define a new organism over time. These differences that ultimately improve this organism, because of environmental stimuli, are like a spiral of growth towards eventual unfettered perfection. The concept of evolution has become second nature to our scientific community in regard to all observable living organisms on the planet. In humanity’s story, this process continues from where it started, multiple millennia ago, and continues through to this very day. Our most current form of humanity, Homo Sapiens-Sapiens, is believed to be a result of this evolutionary process that would have occurred over the last 100 to 250 millennia. Homo Sapiens-Sapiens, or Anatomically Modern Human is you, your body, your physical make up, and is the most current version of our physical bodies.
A Little Background on Homo Sapiens-Sapiens…
The time period of 100,000 to 250,000 years ago is the current consensus of the Scientific Community at large as to when Homo Sapiens-Sapiens first appeared on Earth. This period was at the height of Archaic Homo Sapiens, a species best characterized as Neanderthal Man. As most historians would postulate, archaic man existed mostly in the European Subcontinent and parts of North Africa. It is believed that Neanderthals did not migrate past the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. The use of stone tools, tribal living, hunting and general survival in small groups dominated the day-to-day life of the archaic Neanderthal hunter-gatherer tribe. Other than simple tools, their civilizations could be characterized as under developed by comparison to our current form, and were most likely incapable of abstract thinking and possessed basic language skills. It is in this period that Anatomically Modern Humans appeared on the Earth more adaptive, more intellectually advanced, and more physically adept to his surroundings than his genetic predecessors.
Many subtle mutations of our genetic code are responsible for all that is different between Neanderthal and Modern Man. As a result of these mutations, the most notable improvements in this newer Human were noted appearances of: Conceptual Art, Tribal or Societal Culture, Religious Ceremony, Advanced Tool Making Abilities, Interpretive and Abstract Thought, Music, Woven Fabric, Jewelry, Conception of Time and an overall monumental jump in intelligence from the closest, earlier version within the genetic family, the Neanderthal. These resulting differences are most significant and they cast continued doubt about the nature of this perceived jump in evolutionary progress from one species to the next. These differences are quite substantial, and so much so that there is a disagreement within some scientific circles about whether or not these differences could have occurred over such a relatively short time span. Moreover, some Anthropologists believe there is evidence to suggest that this evolution may have happened over the span of just a few generations.
This physical form of ours, with all of its attributes, has been around for at least 45,000 years and most Anthropologists agree that the age range could go back as far as 150,000 years ago. Therefore, in short, we have been on the Earth in this physical capacity for quite some time. The question we had as Remote Viewers was how did this astounding jump in genetic evolution, from our most closely related genetic relatives, take place. This jump in human ability and capacity is quite substantial. Was several tens of thousands of years of evolution responsible for such a vast change in human ability? Is the answer more likely a time span of only a few generations? This was what we sought with this project and we feel Remote Viewing has provided the answer.
This Project’s Preamble
In a remote viewing project, the data is perceived and recorded in groups or batches by people who are working the target blindly and unaware of its subject matter, as well as compartmentalized or independent from the other viewer’s work. The viewers do not communicate with each other until all of the work is finished and is ready for analysis. They are not consciously aware of the topic nor scope of the work being done. The resulting story is not assembled until everyone has finished their work entirely, and everyone has a chance to look over the combined work. The resulting data is collated and analyzed for similarities in concepts, themes, and subject matter. The majority of the usable data is determined by matching concepts from the compartmentalized work of at least two separate remote viewers, operating blind, before being considered a valid concept or fact.
I encourage you take the information presented herein for what it is saying and weigh it for yourself. I want you to think about the implications of what such a story may imply for you, and see what truth lies herein for yourself. I am not here to tell you how to interpret this information, nor am I going to tell you what you should believe because of it. My goal in providing this information to you is to disseminate this information to a larger audience to create an awareness of our true combined reality.
The following story is a direct result of Remote Viewing data that was produced in late 2012. This project was tasked in three separate sections. I believe that it would be best served for you in the same sequential fashion, and it is at this point where the story will unfold for you one piece at a time.
“But we are not here concerned with hopes or fears, only with the truth as far as our reason allows us to discover it. I have given the evidence to the best of my ability; and we must acknowledge , as it seems to me, that man... still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin."
- Charles Darwin
The Origin of Homo Sapiens-Sapiens
In an attempt to fully flesh out the story, elements of what science and history knows as facts are blended in with the Remote Viewing data to paint a more complete narrative. Because of this, our part of the story begins approximately 150,000 to 200,000 years ago. According to the historical record, this is the period in which our information is most likely gathered. According to the known fossil record of our species, the area described in our session work is most likely North-East Africa.
There is a protected structure presented here. It appears to be a domed structure that has been -placed in a strategic location, and is disguised in some fashion. There are impressions that visual illusions are related to this industrial fortified structure, and most likely, some type of camouflage is being applied here. Additionally, there is a protective chasm around this structure; a deep crevasse or canyon is most likely. This structure is well protected and hidden from plain view. Several viewers perceive concepts of communication to this structure coming from a vast, long distance away; a remote location where the majority of the story’s action is being reported.
Inside this industrial location is a secretive structure, and it appears to be a laboratory where fervently busy, and very active work is going on. Everyone seems busy and working in tandem with one another. The concepts related to these people and what they are doing is perceived to involve telemetry, monitoring, life-support, data collection, and observation. There is advanced technology present in this place, and the working here is described to be like an ant farm where there is a large volume of movement and varying action that is taking place together all in one space.
This appears to be a main hub or a control room that is central to everything transpiring in this story. The people here appear to be humanoid. They look like us and communicate as we do. The viewers perceive them to be like doctors and scientists. There is one scientist presented who appears to be the lead officer here. Applied to him are concepts of he being a highly trained specialist and the perception that his work is considered to be classified is present in the data. He feels frustrated, disgruntled, and desperate about something here at the site. It would appear that there is much, much more to this story than what we produced from this project's target. Moreover, there is supporting evidence that this is a story that has many more facets to it than just what is going on in this facility.
From here, the majority of the data is describing a process that involves extremely intelligent machinery. This process involves a life form. The intelligent machinery was perceived to be seeding life in some manner. The main life form that is the subject of this highly trained scientist/doctor’s work is scantily described in the first round of work. It appears that the life form presented is a research subject for this group of advanced scientist people. The life form has been encapsulated inside of a big expansive tube where mixing and joining with the life form is going on inside of it. There is a concept impressed upon the viewers that someone is planting and sowing/seeding life.
The data suggests a large amount of automation by cybernetic devices that are working in conjunction with this group of Doctors in a coordinated effort. The equipment presented in this scene has attributes of an energetic centrifuge. They are involved with life giving and life support. They operate with a process of chemical absorption. Several viewers were describing this machinery or technology to be manipulating and changing this life form in a combining, melding, and imprinting way. We, as a group, interpret the data to be describing a chemical process that is manipulating this life form's genetics.
In addition to the inner workings of this protected fortress and industrial work place, there is an impression that a syringe or tube is planting and sowing/seeding life. Additionally, a projectile was also described to be spreading and sowing life. The concept of seeding life is quite poignant throughout the project, and was perceived by every viewer working the target.
The Activity at the Site Explained
Now that we have a basic idea of the lay out of the scenery, exploration of the activity at the site will shed more light on what is occurring in this facility. A small subset of the data deals with the capture and incapacitation of a group of lifeforms. These lifeforms felt unsettled within a moving enclosure, as if captured and traveling in some form of a vehicle. These lifeforms felt worried and startled during this ordeal. The data stated that some were chosen and then the remaining life forms were terminated. Concepts related to murder and many deaths are present in this section of the data.
After one of the lifeforms was chosen for the work, they were beaten into submission, and placed inside of a machine. This life form's facial features were described as having wide flat nose and large lips. They had high cheekbones and a well-defined hairline, as shown in an excerpt from the session. The selection process had caused resistance to the operation within the mind of the head scientist at the facility. He was described to have mixed feelings about what was going on in his facility, for something was wrong with him and was disheartened by some or all of this.
The machine that the test subject is contained in was described in more detail as a cybernetic device that is in charge of taking care of the life form subject. This machine is capable of thought. Several perceptions in this section of the data describe the cybernetic device understanding the life form’s hostility and emotional outrage towards its predicament in an empathetic way. The machine possessed thought and was capable of empathy.
Blood was taken from the life form, as well as being intravenously nourished. Manipulation of the life form’s temperature was perceived by several viewers. The test subject’s blood was being monitored and maintained in a particular way. Concepts of freshness, salinity, and the rinsing of the blood for archiving were perceived in the data stream. Again, several concepts about data collection were strong throughout the combined session works. From this set of data there were more and more cohesive ideas concerning the concept of DNA manipulation.
The data implies that these scientists are successfully altering the DNA of the host test subject. There are sketches in the work that resemble human zygotes in the early stage of development. There was data that depicted a centrifuge machine was used in this process. There are many, many allusions to a spinning motion and the idea of a genetic coding throughout all of the viewer’s data. In summary, there are several blind, compartmentalized viewers reporting data that points to DNA manipulation, and the data that most of the viewers implicate as the most significant information about the project’s target is: Genetic Manipulation.
The Purpose of the Activity Explained
The final aspect of this project is about to unfold, and so far the story being given to us about the Origin of Homo Sapiens-Sapiens is quite contradictory to the commonly held belief of Darwinian Evolution. The Origin of Homo Sapiens-Sapiens compiled thus far is plainly a genetic manipulation of an Archaic Homo Sapiens man by a humanoid team of advanced scientists who are from a very far distance away. The Remote Viewing derived data is conclusive, and our entire group is confident in this outcome. Moreover, some of our data involved with this next section of the project also outlines a couple of differing attributes about the purpose of the activity at the location. In other words, the reason why these scientists are doing what they are doing according to the story compiled from the corroborative remote viewing data.
When we peer into the concepts involving the purpose of the activity at the location, collectively, we find more conceptual data about the team of scientists and overarching concepts about Homo Sapiens-Sapiens. Our first viewer describes the concept of a farmer sowing seeds in a barren field. They describe a complex melding of a physical body with conscious intelligence within this cybernetic machine at the facility. The processes result was a life form that is alive and breathing. It is the birth of a new cycle and a new type of life forms emerging from this process.
Another viewer described attributes about the scientific team of doctors in their data. They were perceived as disorganized, impromptu and searching for something. In this section of the data, the team's ultimate purpose was perceived to be research and development. This purpose could be suggesting a continued presence, either before or after the events outlined in our session work: perhaps both.
Another viewer described the purpose of the activity to be a concept about the importance of a struggle. This data is also elucidating the concept of a longevity about this struggle. The viewer is describing a computerized process that is occurring to the subjected life form in this facility. The result is a specialized man who is the prize or overall goal. He has endurance and warmth. The concept of falling victim to the past was associated with this new life form was further described as ethereal and enigmatic.
“Nothing is easier than to admit in words the truth of the universal struggle for life,
than constantly to bear this conclusion in mind.”
- Charles Darwin
Residual Evidence that there is more to this story
There were many more concepts and subjects presented in the work for just one project to completely comprehend. I feel that the amount of the story described by each viewer could have and most likely should have been larger; however, the talent levels of the viewers and the amount of data were too disproportionate to allow a complete storyboard to be assembled at the time. There was tangential information to perceive and disseminate about this project's subject matter.
In addition to the purpose of the activity at the location data, there are more things a foot here than what the original target requires. This information was sprinkled throughout the data from all of the viewers; Moreover, I feel that there are enough similarities to postulate that the story here is much, much larger than just a team of people running experiments on some primitive humanoids. Some may call this evidence noise; however, there are many things indicating that this activity of the scientists is indeed a covert operation and there are some concepts presented of doing this manipulating during in a state of war, militaristic conflict, or duress for the scientist/doctor party and an unknown fourth party at large. These concepts were drawn from one viewer’s session that also reported these scientist people observed an inbound ancient comet. It was thought of by these scientist/doctors as a harbinger and was celestial in nature. Unfortunately, many of these concepts were not directly corroborated by other viewers and cannot be counted upon as factual.
Several of these scientists are described as official, classified, secretive, and are like black operations type people. The scientists were perceived to be studying another life form at the fortress location; one that is quite unlike the humanoid previously described. Negotiations with this captured messenger is perceived and an exchange between our scientist/doctors and this previously unknown life form was presented. This third party life form is described to have physical morphing attributes, and the resulting sketch of this life form looked much like what is known as an Alien Grey. It is understanding, knowledgeable, highly telepathic, feels superior, and is resentful of its capture. This life form was perceived to be like a robot or like a drone worker bee, and is emotionally dead. This life form is a messenger of some sort and how it was being employed by an unseen fourth party is still unknown. Throughout this particular viewer's complete session, there are concepts of industrial espionage and competition present. This viewer's purpose of the activity session work is telling a larger story than just a concept of spreading life about. This viewer’s data had an overarching feel to it and described many other things subtly.
Archeological Evidence of a Genetic Choke Point
In contemporary and conceptual human genetics, Mitochondrial Eve is the most recent common matrilineal ancestor, in a direct and unbroken maternal line of all currently living humans. She lived approximately 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. This is the most recent woman from whom all living humans today descend, in an unbroken line through their mother’s side, and through the mothers of those mothers, and so on, back until all lines converge on one single person.
All Mitochondrial DNA is passed from mother to offspring without recombination. All Mitochondrial DNA in every living human being is directly descended from her, and differing only by the mutations that may have occurred over generations to the Mitochondrial DNA since the conception of the original Mitochondrial Eve. Mitochondrial Eve is estimated to have lived between 99,000 and 200,000 years ago, most likely in East Africa. She lived while Homo Sapiens-Sapiens was developing as a population distinct from other human sub-species.
Mitochondrial Eve lived later than the emergence of Homo Neanderthalensis, but earlier than the out of Africa migration of the species. The dating for Mitochondrial Eve supports the theory of the origin and dispersion of Anatomically Modern Humans from East Africa. As well as supporting the hypothesis that Modern Man replaced the more "archaic" human populations such as Neanderthals.
Interestingly enough, today there is also a case being made for a Patrilineal Adam. Much like Mitochondrial Eve, this Adam is the source of the majority of Y chromosome material that 99% of the men on the planet share today. Again, Anthropologists are finding that a historical genetic choke point is also present in the paternal genetics of Anatomically Modern Humans. This Adam is purported to have lived between 120,000 to 156,000 years ago, and did not necessarily live at the same time Mitochondrial Eve did. There is mounting Anthropological evidence to support this case, and is an interesting read should you feel obligated to do so. This hypothesis and evidence outlined above supports the evidence and analysis that we have obtained through this Remote Viewing project
I will start out by saying that the view you may have about this story may be contradictory or may be in agreement with such a story that you just encountered. We can and will discuss this topic ad-nauseam during future articles, for this is a conversation that has to happen. I cannot see a way in which it will not be discussed. The elephant in the room is too large to ignore. We have more interesting remote viewing results about this subject matter.
Personally, I look back upon these combined works in high regard, due to its implications about the origin of, at very least, our most current genetic form as humans. Additionally, this was one of my first large-scale projects as a newly operational Remote Viewer. The result of this work has had a lasting impression upon my current view of our ‘recent’ history as a species. I was highly skeptical of religious dogma, scientific theories, and creation myths long before this project was run. The resulting data initiated a very large personal paradigm shift, for it is one so jarring, that I now perceive the world in a completely different way.
Personally, this viewer ventures to postulate that this event was one of this team of scientist's first examples of doing something like this, and probably have repeated this process again somewhere else; perhaps many times over for 150,000 years is a very long time. We are not alone. There is evidence stating that this event was impromptu, disorganized, and done out of what appears to be a necessity during a state of conflict with this fourth party. This supports an idea that this may have been one, if not their first, time doing something like this. There are impressions that this was done in a rushed manner, with a very short time table, and an overall flavor of urgency pervades the remote viewing data. In addition, there were references referring to something like industrial espionage and competition in the fleeting aspects of this last viewer’s session works. This is why I feel so strongly about the idea of this happening during a state of conflict.
Currently, I feel that the additional data about these, possibly, warring factions could prove very informative about why this was done. The purpose for genetically altering current humanity’s progenitor was the next step in the process. Why did they do this to us, and what was its purpose for doing so? I speak about it because we have continued our work on this story line and have more to share. This story has many other facets that we did not get a chance to ferret out this time around, and this viewer believes the outcome of such work will dwarf this project's result. Moreover, we have looked at this subject more in depth and the resulting story from that remote viewing work will be espoused in future articles. For it becomes increasingly clear that big questions beget big answers that beget even bigger questions.
I also cannot help to wonder how many times this process has occurred in between versions of our supposed Evolution. Has the process progressed in this fashion since the primordial soup? Is this process still going on to this very day? Could people’s reports of abduction be related to this theory? Again, this evidence only begets more questions, and requests more of our attention moving forward.
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