Humanity’s Intelligent Design
By DANIEL MANN | January 2021
‘In the beginning, God created the earth, and he looked upon it in his cosmic loneliness, and God said
“Let us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what we have done." And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close to mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. "What is the purpose of all this?" he asked politely.
"Everything must have a purpose?" asked God. "Certainly," said man.
"Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this," said God, and he went away.’
― Kurt Vonnegut ―
It is historically believed that Humanity emerged and migrated away from the cradle of East Africa. We drifted northward from Africa into Europe, and then towards greater Asia. Next, we traveled onward to the North, East, Central and South Americas. As this expansion into the rest of the globe progressed, we find that the establishment of civilizations like the ancient Vedic Society, Sumer and Mesopotamia, The Achaemenid Empire, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, and others began forming out of humanity’s nomadic inclinations. These societies are the historical benchmark of where humanity began to organize itself mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Organized religion had been present in these ancient societies from the beginning: the ancient Vedas, Brahmanical Hinduism, Classical Buddhism, Greek and Roman Polytheism, and ultimately, the birth of modern Christianity and Classical Islam. As a result of this need to understand our very creation and our place in the known universe, humanity began to evolve philosophically. The Islamic Golden Age as well as the ancient Greek schools of philosophy are some of the first examples in history that provide us with the intellectual tools to discover our place among creation. As time pressed on, we see how The Renaissance of greater Europe continued to bring us out of the medieval dark ages. We see humanity enter into an age of abstract knowledge, material understanding, and material manipulation of the environment around them.
As time moved on, the product of these societies and our material understandings produced our ability to set sail and explore an expanding world. Humanity would establish new trade routes the would incite conflict across distant oceans and lands. As Portugal, Italy, and Spain began to follow in England’s footsteps, they all competed with each other to colonize new lands. Over the millennia, wars and cultural conflicts pervade the historical landscape. These societies would eradicate and conquer native cultures, subjugating, and indoctrinating new populations to their way of life. The ever-changing culture of conquered nations have continuously shaped our way of life. The slave trade, spice trade, and colonization of new lands brought integration of new cultures, civilizations, and philosophical understanding into a new world. This occurred repetitively throughout ancient history, and into our current modern era.
In this modern era, we see advancements in science and mathematics providing new techniques, technologies, and would pave the way for humanity to explore our Moon and hopefully outward into the solar system and beyond. These philosophies, methodologies, ensuing innovations, and new intellectual discoveries into the fabric of existence continue into our current day.
The evolution of humanity’s: Philosophies, Theologies, Intellectualism, and general patterns of thinking have been reflected throughout this brief historical synopsis. From our beginnings in East Africa, to our current modern global society, Humanity has undergone an intriguing evolution of mental ability. Contrastingly, has modern humanity’s physical form also continued to equally evolve since our time roaming ancient African lands? Western anthropology would postulate that this is not the case...
The current understanding of Humanity’s fossil record purports that a very small amount of physical and genetic difference exists between the major races of Homo Sapiens-Sapiens. These physical differences between the races are in the areas of facial structure, cranial structure, eye shape, eye color, skin color, hair type and coloring. The estimated differentiation between our shared Homo Sapiens-Sapiens’ closest ancestor (Homo Neanderthalensis) and our current genetic profile is a minuscule 0.006%. This data point in combination with evidence derived from the fossil record, along with the annals of human history, would support a hypothesis that modern humanity has not changed as much biologically as we have intellectually.
Today we enjoy a world of conveniences resulting from these technological and scientific understandings due to this progression. Humanity has changed in the way and how we think. Philosophy, Mathematics, and The Scientific Method are but a few of humanity’s advancements in mental and/or cerebral development. This progression denotes the difference between our ancient African ancestor of millennia past to the global society we have today. A world now exists where we can significantly change, influence, and control our environment according to our will.
Since our time in the East African cradle, Humanity has gone from using stone tools while throwing rocks and sticks to having the capability of destroying our planet several hundred times over with weapons of war. The speed of this advancement has occurred at a staggering pace. Interestingly, only fifty years exists between humanity’s first powered flight and the releasing of an atomic bomb from those heights. An argument could be made that Humanity’s cerebral evolution is fueling an exponential rate of technological advancement.
In our previous remote viewing target, the Intuitive Underground team explored The Origin of Homo Sapiens-Sapiens. The results of that project depicted a group of highly educated and technologically advanced humanoid scientists who genetically manipulated a primitive human being. Additionally, there are hints in the data that suggest there was a more complex story behind our origins than just a simple genetic manipulation. A prevalent motif in the project characterized this overall genetic manipulation to be taking place rather quickly, impromptu, and in a covert manner. These aspects pose a whole host of pressing questions about The Origin of Homo Sapiens-Sapiens. Questions like: What incited this activity in the first place? Why did the project require a veil of secrecy and occur under rushed working conditions?
While the remote viewing project’s resulting data provided a concrete answer regarding the physical origin of modern humanity: many other resulting questions remain unanswered. These questions bubbled below the surface for many months until a new undertaking arose from our project queue. The targeting strategy for this current project centered upon our previous operation perceiving The Origin of Homo Sapiens-Sapiens. It focused more on the purpose of these events: i.e., the reason why these humanoid scientists genetically altered one or more of our common ancestors.
The following Remote Viewing project targeted the reasons why these humanoid scientists modified what has become modern humanity. After having worked with this subject previously, this project will reference the origin story line written about in the article on The Origin of Modern Man. As always, the viewers were tasked blind – having no knowledge of the topic – and were compartmentalized until all sessions were completed.
At this point in the article, I want to discuss the importance of metaphor and allegory in Remote Viewing work. Remote Viewing is essentially a conversation between the viewer and their unconscious mind. The resulting data of a Remote Viewing session essentially is the language syntax between the viewer and their unconscious mind. Often, however not always, the resulting information from a viewer’s session is a metaphor that explains the mechanics of a situation that is relevant to the subject matter. The viewer may not have the vocabulary to fully and accurately explain the solution to a question, so the unconscious mind finds the best way to explain or answer an inquiry. This is common and is usually presented as a metaphor in some Remote Viewing data sets. Understand that: although you may have a conclusive and thoroughly explained scenario in the resulting data, it may best explained through metaphor or an allegorical representation of the data. The following story board was compiled from four independent, blind Remote Viewers, and will have some level of metaphor in the results. Plainly, the resulting story may not have happened exactly as the data purports, all of those millennia ago, however the metaphorical aspects of the story line will fill in gaps of uncertainty.
“The cities, the roads, the countryside, the people I meet - they all begin to blur. I tell myself I am searching for something. But more and more, it feels like I am wandering, waiting for something to happen to me, something that will change everything, something that my whole life has been leading up to.”
― Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed
This project’s overarching story is centered around a small group of Humans, who are working together on an adventure that is a journey of discovery. These individuals appear content with their undertaking, and believe in their destiny. Being gifted with higher mind perspectives, this group has an aptitude of intuitive ability, a determined resiliency, and an ameliorable outlook toward their current path. They approach their lives and work with a humorous disposition while attempting to avoid troubling consequences. For simplicity’s sake, this group will be further referenced as the protagonists.
During the course of their journey, the protagonists come into contact with an assembly of particularly strange lifeforms. They appear to be stocky, dressed in militaristic uniform, and have disguised themselves in a manner that conceals their true appearance. This party of disguised characters intended to distract and detour our protagonists away from their journey. This community of odd beings are not being honest with the protagonists about who they are, nor what their intentions are towards our protagonists. For the sake of clarity, this deceptive group will be further referenced as the antagonists.
It appears that these disguised and militaristic antagonists want to use humanity to fuel their own ends. Due to the disposition of our protagonists and the quality of their good nature: they fall prey to this groups of narcissists who manipulate them into refraining from their journey.
As a result of the initial encounter between humanity and the antagonists, there is an all-out abduction of the protagonists that ensues. The antagonists physically abduct humanity, and returns them en-mass to a location humanity has been to before. However, this time around there is a prepositioned confinement where they are incarcerated. Metaphorically, it is perceived to be guarded and surrounded with a barbed wire. This fenced off area is but only one of many confinement areas, for a second area is described in the viewer’s work as a deep, and difficult to escape from, pit. The protagonists are not willing participants in this confinement and are being held against their will. Ancient humanity had fallen under the control of these antagonists, as we were lured into confinement, baited into their incarceration, and have been lead there in a most underhanded way.
At this point in the disaster, a few of our protagonists resist their incarceration, refuse this relocation, and are defiant towards the antagonist’s dogma. As a result of this resistance, the rebellious crowd was murdered in a most gruesome and brutal way. They were killed off by these antagonists, and were demanding servitude from the surviving humans in the most obscene of ways, and enforced their will upon us in the most atrocious of conditions. From the antagonist’s point of view in this metaphor, humanity is considered a condition of a peace treaty. It is perceived in the data that Humanity was collateral in a post-war negotiation, or surrender. To them, humanity is but a spoil of war to the victor of an unrelated conflict.
One by one, the group of protagonists were removed from one another and isolated in holding cells. This holding cell doubled as an operating room. This room resembles a jail cell with a large basin within it. This enclosure also is infused with an aerosolized chemical that resembles snow, and influences our protagonists in a way similar to pre-operation anesthesia. It affects their mind and emotions while placing them in a submissive state.
In another section, there is an examination table at the base of what is perceived to be an operating theater. One in which other doctors are perched above an operation and from where they observe the procedure taking place. It is perceived what these antagonists are doing to humanity is being taught to others. In this autopsy-like procedure, a patient is on the examination table drugged, passive, and in a repressed state. The doctors are using some very interesting and unique equipment to introduce a change in humanity’s ancestors. Once the patient is in an induced coma, the doctors are installing some sort of a barrier within the ‘patient’ that locks away something special, and places it in an internal storage of sorts. This is likely metaphor. This procedure is being taught to others and is perceived to be trapping humanity into a moment-to-moment span of time; suggesting that we did not experience the flow of time before this incident.
The equipment being used to do this is quite exotic to the viewers and quite technologically advanced; hence it is difficult for the remote viewers to describe. Moreover, it uses subtle energy frequencies to supplement the patient and it allows a transitional escape from their current state of being. The procedure is perceived to be replicating the patient’s existence and has a very high risk of danger to everyone involved, including the surgeons. Humanity’s basic existence is being adjusted by this equipment. It is changing their genetic code with a form of energetic wave pattern entrainment with the patient’s base essence. It is described via metaphor as if it was changing water to gas and then back to a liquid again afterwards. This complicated procedure results in centuries of evolution within the patient’s physical body, only in a matter of minutes. This procedure is the forced compliance described earlier in the story line. At no point is the patient dead during the procedure. The overall result of this operation grants the antagonists’ doctor special access inside of humanity, and is analogously described to be like as if they were boarding up and closing down a busy street. It is as if they are actively repressing a part of humanity’s natural state of being.
The goal of the antagonist’s agenda is about to be revealed and is at the heart of our exploration into this remote viewing project. What these actors have succeeded in doing is making subtle changes to humanity’s physical makeup, or genetic code. Their main goal is perceived to be the adjustment of an internal structure within the physical makeup of humanity. This structure is being reconsidered, relocated, and rebuilt to handle a higher capacity for receiving mind scattering interference. This internal physical structure is analogously described as a broadcasting tower, and is scattering information that triggers a complacency-like state of being when received by the human. This disruption function affects humanity’s ability to understand, easily think, nor fully perceive their reality. The purpose of this operation is to install this noisy, distraction inducing internal structure, and increase this internal structure’s magnitude. The operation’s purpose is to expand this physical structure to handle a larger capacity in the reception of the noise inducing signal. As a result of this work, humanity’s natural thought processes are being turned upside down. It affects humanity’s balance of risk and reward. This structure gives the antagonists oversight into an individual. It gains an influence over the human’s ability to think and perform a cost benefit analysis. This function influences Humanity to be oblivious to an analysis, and makes them feel as if they’re too close to an issue emotionally; essentially an emotional and informational overload. As a result of the system, humanity became more unorganized mentally and eventually when under this influence: the individual likely gives up. This leaves humanity metaphorically struggling to keep above water because they feel so overloaded emotionally and mentally. It makes the individual feel as if they’re taking on too much to mentally handle. This is perceived as being done to humanity so that we cannot think properly. This procedure implemented so long ago has inhibited humanity’s thought processes for most, if not all, of modern history.
The data also states that a transformation of humanity’s physical nature is transpiring in this operation or process. Humanity was then and is now, currently, in a long-drawn-out process to physically change us into something very different from who or what we were before our encounter with these antagonists. The data states that these antagonists are in control of a long-term event that is transpiring in this storyline and it is affecting humanity down in this deep pit or place of incarceration. This event is a long-term transformation of humanity from what we used to be into something tragic. It was perceived in the remote viewing data that opposing these antagonists is futile. This is all a part of a corruption plan for humanity that is transpiring over an extensively long period of time, hundreds of millennia, perhaps even much, much longer. Some kind of exotic and highly advanced technology is funneling and channeling a frequency of some sort through humanity. The end result is an extruding of something harvestable from humanity. Succinctly, what is being perceived in this process (start to finish) was likened to being put through a meat grinder.
This long, drawn out process finishes with humanity in an unthinkable state. This process is resulting in a lower form of communication and an internal leash being kept over humanity. Humanity is having their thoughts filled with informational static and emotional noise. We have been inflicted with this impairment. It causes us to have a problem in our grounding as intellectual individuals. Our thoughts have become jumbled and unclear. This event was planned and is crucial to the harvesting of something from us. A vivid and macabre spectacle is on the horizon for humanity at the end of this long-term process. The result of this process of transmogrification leaves humanity in a very different state than from what we were originally at the start of our incarceration. We have and will become more and more of a shadow of our former selves over time, and the remote viewing data describes the final product of this operation as vivid ghostly images that are descending downwards into this pit. These ghostly images are very confused and something about them is deeply tragic. The final result is a life form that looks like a shimmering light through choppy water, emanating an eerie sound when they speak.
There was a particularly poignant phrase in the data at the end of this project’s analysis and is quite troubling when describing one of the situations we are in. This instantaneous evolution and the replication of their existence is associated with the concept of Plausible Deniability. It is an excuse of some sort, partially in name, and it is being used by these antagonists. The potential risk of this entire operation from its beginnings is twofold: The first is a risk of regression of humanity down a planned trajectory, because something about the antagonists is shrunk and broken. This data cluster was unclear. The second risk of this operation is planetary decay. These antagonists are playing around with a destruction and it has had a devastating effect on humanity and our planet. The antagonists are destroying us in a very specific way. It is perceived as if they are playing around with nuclear power or playing with fire, and a collapsing devastation has ensued because of their actions.
“Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.”
― Leo Tolstoy
This investigation into the purpose of the origin of homo sapiens-sapiens has produced a storyboard of information that highlights the reason why a technologically advanced group of scientists manipulated the physical genetics of current humanity’s progenitors. This is what we were searching for. The results state that our genetics have been manipulated so that the designers of our current physical form could beat evolution to the punch and overcome natural selection. These nefarious actors did so, so that they could subvert evolution and engineer our physical and mental configuration. This resulted in humanity becoming mentally hindered, easily controlled, and driven to distraction by mental and emotional noise. The project results were quite clear, concise, and the only thing assured by these answers are more questions: bigger, heavier questions. I am not certain of where to begin, because these results are difficult to reconcile. The ramifications of such information are vast and disturbing when you consider these changes and see how they may have affected our known history from the plains of East Africa to modern day.
The recorded history concerning the age of man, when viewed through the lens of this newly found information, has become contaminated and polluted. I am now concerned about whether or not to trust the achievements of great minds like Leonardo Da Vinci, Socrates, Plato, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, or Carl Jung among many, many countless others. Did they accomplish their apex of intellectual understanding in spite of being handicapped or did they become so through an outside agency’s influence? We can obviously point a finger towards people like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, General Pol Pot, Genghis Khan, or Chairman Mao, and understand how this reconditioning may have played a role in such bloodshed and genocide. Has humanity been guided into this direction over the millennia past?
Our Remoter Viewing work asserts very little choice in the circumstances surrounding our ancestry. It is difficult, for this believer in divinity, to extrapolate information from this narrative that may allude to higher frequency involvement in what is truly a classical Greek Tragedy. There is little evidence reported about any positive presence outside of who our ancestors, the protagonists in this story, were before the degradation began. The lack of presiding divinity does not equate to such individuals being present, nor working in an unseen capacity. However, we simply cannot report them, for they are not presented in the data.
The development of the reptilian brain, or the instinctual portion of our thinking mind, may have a relationship with our project’s story line. The Limbic System of our brain is responsible for the flight or fight response, instinctual conduct, and emotional push that are key aspects that drive Human Egoic behavior. Is the “fight or flight response” of human psychology and physiology this cost benefit analysis process referenced in the remove viewing data? Is the reptilian brain the same system that had been redesigned, relocated, and rebuilt to handle a larger capacity that had been referenced in the data? This ‘reptilian’ section of the brain is a foundational structure on which the rest of the brain’s structure rests, and the Limbic System is believed to be the root of most brain activity. Perhaps more investigation into this brain structure will confirm this newly gained information set. I would invite you to research this area of study more for yourselves to settle upon your own conclusions.
The difficulty of this data lies in the greater questions that arise in lieu of these potent, poignant results. The hard questions like: Who gave us up? Why did they do so? Was it in party to a truce, or losing to war like activities? It would make them complicit in the actions of our nefarious actors. Who and what does Plausible Deniability pertain to? Who does it apply to, and was there an authority to be responsible to? We certainly did not find any lofty deities in the data punishing these despots for their actions. What is the even bigger picture here? Where does this lead us, and what can we do about it?
This remote viewing collective’s actions in spreading this information is one of the things we have chosen to do about it.
This information has left me with a feeling of hopelessness so deep that I am left rattled, shaken to my core, and sickened to no end. How much would have the human story been different had these events never taken place? How much of our combined history was influenced or controlled by this event of genetic manipulation? We, as a group, feel that the only thing that can be done with any immediacy is to disseminate this information to the population at large; to anyone with an open and clear mind to listen, then weigh such evidence for themselves.
Is there anything that we can do to stave off these ill-engineered effects? Can higher mind skills alleviate such a condition? Can spiritual progression and deep meditation help bring us to some relief? Eastern Philosophy and meditative techniques may provide some hope and comfort to quiet the noise and distraction of the Egoic Mind. A recent study by the International Society of Physchoneuroendocrinologists has found that people who meditate daily have a lower Cortisol and inflammatory response to psychological and environmental stressors. It suggests longer, happier, and less painful lives in addition to other known effects on mental well-being that daily meditation can provide. Can this type of mental work provide a tool for defying these genetic manipulations? It is hard to definitively state what will help; However, this study’s findings can help humanity play for time. Remote Viewing is an advanced consciousness tool and skill that will help with the fight to find these answers.
As this article comes to a lengthy conclusion, one must take a hard look at this information, and see if there is anything more to be gained from the data. Are we truly free or are we just human chattel for the gardeners of humanity? What is one to make about the odd information about the aftermath of their plan: these shiny, sad lights glimmering through the water? Is humanity slowly moving towards this state? It is difficult to ascertain what our current state of affairs may be, and even harder to see where we are headed. It can be presumed with some level of certainty that this is not a good state to be in regardless; However, we must endeavor to find the truth no matter how ugly it may be.
Main Article Artwork: Monty Python and The Holy Grail by Python Pictures and EMI Films, 1975.
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