What to Expect: A Technical Remote Viewing Session

By Daniel Mann | July 2022

  *Author’s note – This editorial is more or less aimed at the beginning Remote Viewer of any methodology. Someone who has just completed a few projects and have realized the potential of this truly revolutionary process. It should also be noted that the author started Remote Viewing with the Technical Remote Viewing methodology, and as such, I will likely be biased from my viewpoint. I have yet to train in person from a differing school of methodology.




When stumbling upon Remote Viewing for the first time, one usually thinks to themselves - what is going on here? Why are there so many different types of Remote Viewing? What are these squiggly line things? How does one get this information? Where does this information come from? How do these sketches come about? How does this work?

This editorial’s goal is to demonstrate what to expect from a Technical Remote Viewing session, what it produces, and how it will compare to a number of other RV methodologies. The product of this mental process and many years of perfective practice culminates in a single page of pertinent visual and written information. For the neophyte, this will be a synopsis of what a Technical Remote Viewing is and what it produces.

To be more precise, Remote Viewing is a misnomer as it relates to the TRV method. There is very little ‘viewing’ or visual context to what a Remote Viewer is actively doing. It would be better to think of it as remote perception. The Remote Viewer is not using any sort of active telepathy nor active outbound consciousness connection. Remote Viewing is a passive process. Think of the viewer as a radio that is receiving a radio show and is writing down important information from the broadcast. This is a passive act of listening, or focusing attention on acquiring pertinent information. To the uninitiated, this process looks like a person sitting at a desk writing down perceptions. In some cases, one could confuse what a Remote Viewer is doing with what is known as auto-writing or something similar. Though there are a few instances in a Remote Viewing session where the viewer is ‘searching’ a page with their hand, for the most part, a Remote Viewer normally appears to be sitting at a desk doing ‘paperwork’.

The act of Remote Viewing is very much like playing a piano from sheet music or driving a car. The viewer does not remember what just happened and are only focused on what is bubbling forth into their conscious awareness as the session progresses. Much like driving a car, one generally does not remember what the last mile of driving was like because they are focused on what they are doing right now. It is also very much like a piano player playing from sheet music. The musician’s only concern is with what they are playing right now, in structure, in order, and in rhythm. The musician is not concerned with what they just played. They are progressing through a structured process. Much like anything in life, a person only truly has power in the moment, and not in the past nor the future.


A Brief History


There are generally three to four branches of the Remote Viewing methodology, each with their own unique characteristics and offshoot schools, or disciplines. All of the methodologies produce useful visual and written information about the target of their work. These methodologies are known as Extended Remote Viewing (ERV), Controlled or Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV), Technical Remote Viewing (TRV), and Hawaii Remote Viewer’s Guild (HRVG). The general characteristics of the methods are as follows:


-“freestyle” solo or monitored, where the viewer intuitively - either alert and aware, in a deep meditative-like state, or somewhere in-between - explores and records their perceptions of a given target, or is guided by answers non-leading questions presented by a second-party called a monitor.


-“alert and aware-style” where the viewer follows a strictly defined procedural process to engage and explore a given target (includes CRV, TRV and several other derivative methodologies)


-“deep meditative-style” where the viewer follows a generally prescribed method of achieving a particular state of consciousness accessing and exploring a given target. This is likely closest to what people think of when they hear the term “Remote Viewing” for the first time. It is somewhat similar to a controlled out-of-body experience. Generally, this is referred to as the Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) method.


-Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild (HRVG) - this is a unique methodology, characterized by its hybridization of previously noted techniques, while incorporating a number of its own. Much of its development ran parallel to the fore noted methodologies, and little information is publicly available about the formation of the methodology’s protocols


These are generally accepted as the methodologies that evolved from an effort by many individuals at SRI International (then Stanford Research Institute), and various United States Government defense agencies beginning in the early 1970’s and progressing through to the mid-1990’s. An extensive de-classified history of that program is widely available throughout the internet, and is not the focus of this article.


Over the course of this piece, we will focus a spotlight on the differences between two of these methodologies to present and contrast their subtleties to the average person. There are several differences between these methodologies; however, we will concentrate on Technical Remote Viewing, or TRV. TRV is an evolution of the military program’s product known as Coordinate Remote Viewing. Many of those who practice the TRV discipline would agree that TRV is an evolution of Controlled Remote Viewing.

In many ways, these different protocols are like computer operating systems. There are many computer operating systems in existence; however, the three main currently accepted operating systems are Microsoft Windows (PC), Mac and Linux operating systems or (OS). All of which generally do the same thing, but have different ways of going about their business. One operating system may be better or more efficient at certain tasks than others may, however they all produce similar environments in which to work. Much like these operating systems, the many differing modalities of Remote Viewing accomplish generally the same goals: answers in the form of visual and written information pertinent to a target perceived from a distance. Much like computer operating systems, differing modalities of Remote Viewing are better at certain tasks than others. These protocols all have points of strength and weakness in comparison to each other, but generally accomplish the same goal: a passive methodology that produces useful information.

Ultimately, Remote Viewing is truly a developed language one builds between their waking conscious awareness and their unconscious mind. The unconscious feeds the data to the focused attention of one’s conscious awareness to be able to describe what the target is. In a trained orderly fashion, the perceptions bubble up into focused conscious awareness, and the viewer simply records the information down as they proceed through a progression of stages. After many years of practice in this modality, the viewer begins to realize that the unconscious is truly in control. The unconscious will make adjustments over time to adapt to the ability of its counterpart. The viewer is simply executing a routine and the unconscious feeds the information to the viewer in this process. It is only after the session is complete that the viewer will see resulting data, and be able to reason with, objectify, and analyze it. Data analysis is the most difficult part of this process, but more on that towards the end of this article. 

In a later article or video, I do plan to explain more aspects of RV in detail, and about the finer points of this methodology, however, many of you will have more questions after reading this full article. Intentionally, there have been several topics that have been passed over in this piece.


The Example Session and Tasking


After prolonged difficulties with my previous occupation, I had found my environment and daily responsibilities had deteriorated to the point of personal desperation. I was overworked, underappreciated, and mostly under paid. My mind was made up; I was going to resign to seek better employment. I was hoping to find a way to Remote View for a living, and was looking for options. I decided to task one of my partners with this subject matter. I was looking for information that might tell me: when was a good time to resign and what should I be looking to do next.  Keep in mind that I was also looking to make Remote Viewing a full time occupation if possible.

Context is very important when tasking a Remote Viewing project, and especially so when analyzing the resulting data in light of the tasking. Data analysis is the most important skill to develop when becoming a professional Remote Viewer, for there are many pitfalls to be avoided when analyzing data.

For the purposes of this article, the actual targeting material or process will not be covered, for many reasons: above all clarity. This article would become exceedingly long and overly confusing if the processes involved with targeting was thoroughly explained. It will be written about at some future time. This article will be long enough, and the need to explain who, what, where, when, and how this is done, is unnecessary for the purposes of this article. There will also be a few other aspects of this methodology that simply cannot be elucidated for they are not within the scope of this article. The purpose of this article is to show the uninitiated what a general Technical Remote Viewing session looks like and what to expect once one starts learning how to Remote View while practicing this methodology.

For a normal project, a group of four or five professional Remote Viewers are given a tasking, or a set of Target Reference Numbers (TRNs) that are associated with the target. The TRNs are also something best fully explained later. For now, just think of the TRNs as a pointer or an identifying number that corresponds to a set of information that comprises the target.

We know how this works due to the research and development conducted at SRI beginning in the 1970’s. Initially, while the brain trust was working out how they could teach this methodology, they discovered something interesting. They would provide the research subject with geodesic (GPS) coordinates, and then task them with describing what was occurring at the given location. Eventually, through research and development, they discovered it did not matter what they were using to reference the target location or subject matter with, for the viewers still hit their targets and described the target location with increasing accuracy. This is how the original methodology became known as Coordinate Remote Viewing.

Stage One: Ideograms

At the beginning of every session, the viewer deploys a series of pen strokes or contact lines known as Ideograms. These Ideograms are associated with a set of TRNs. The history of the Ideogram is fascinating and dates back to at least the late 19th century. It is a subject matter that deserves an article all its own. The process and mechanics of what is occurring in this stage would be best left for future articles. The body of information concerning Ideograms run very deep, and encompasses many disciplines.  For the purpose of this article, trust that in stage one the viewer is acquiring the target, and is making a physical, mind-body connection with a pattern of information that comprises the target.

Stage One : Ideograms

Stage one Ideograms are the most vital in a Remote Viewing session. It is imperative that they are done correctly. It takes quite some time to perfect the deployment of an ideogram. It truly is something that should be learned in person with a professional to potentially save oneself an excessive amount of time. It was a full six years into my development as a Remote Viewer before I learned how to deploy them correctly in person.

One difference between the basic TRV stage one and the basic CRV stage one is the use of decoding protocols associated with the Ideogram’s deployment. This also is something that takes some time and much practice to get right. Decoding an ideogram is the practice of interacting with a deployed Ideogram in a physical manner to provoke stronger unconscious target contact, and aides in the ability of the Remote Viewer to perceive the target more accurately. This is an advantage CRV practitioners have over the average TRV viewer. For when the TRV protocols were initially derived, the process of decoding the ideogram was removed in favor of executing several ideograms. At the time, it was the simplest way to teach a new viewer and to get those viewers to an operational ability, faster. Admittedly, it is a short cut or an end around that any serious Remote Viewer should consider learning how to decode an ideogram.

With stage one being our primary stage in Remote Viewing, if one’s ideogram deployment or the decoding process is done incorrectly: it could render the entire session unusable. These processes both take some time to get correct, and they should be learned in person rather than by oneself. Think of this situation as a construction crew building a house, for if the foundation of the house is not built well, the rest of the structure built upon that foundation will be unstable, likely uninhabitable.

Once the viewer deploys Ideograms (as well as decoding) in stage one, they are then prepared to expand their perceptions of the target and enhance their connection with this information by performing the next stage: stage two sensory perceptions.

Stage Two: Sensory Perceptions


Once firm contact is made with the gestalt of information connected with the target through stage one, the viewer proceeds to the next stage. This next stage is a process of using their innate human faculties, the five senses, to describe the general outline of what the target is. This process uses the perceptions of human senses: colors, textures, smells, tastes, sounds, and basic visual information. In the derivation of TRV, the decoding process was removed in favor of multiple Ideograms, and through research and development it was found that exploring textures before colors improved site contact for the uninitiated viewer.  At this point, the viewer is still working to create a sub-structure or details of the target to be expounded upon in later stages of the TRV methodology.

Stage Two : Sensory Perceptions

Again, think of this process as a construction crew that is building a house. In stage one, the foundation of the building is produced. In the metaphor, stage two is the framing of the house. This process is building upon former stages to describe the next level of complexity about the qualities of the target over the TRV session. Using our innate human faculties, our five senses begin to describe the target in more detail. The viewer is recording perceptions that bubble up into to their awareness as the viewer progresses through these stages. The information is being fed to conscious awareness over the liminal gate from our unconscious. The liminal gate is a psychological barrier that separates conscious awareness from the unconscious mind.

This is where the attention level of the viewer is critically important. Regular thinking or run-away thoughts can destroy any work that has been compiled up to this point. Remote viewing is truly an attention management skill. Deep focus and attention to mindfulness determines how accurate the data of the session will be. The more one’s ego or mind interrupts the perceptions flowing through the liminal gate, the more askew the data will become. Think of this issue as mental noise. A Remote Viewing session can become a flaming dumpster fire of a disaster if the viewer does not keep strict control over where their attention is focused. If the viewer’s egoic mind becomes involved, the data will become noisy, tainted, untenable, and unreliable. The separation of these psychological inner faculties is crucial to a Remote Viewer’s overall accuracy.

Moreover, in this stage the viewer is using a strict categorization of perceptions to compose the underlying structure of the session. Adjectives or descriptor words are the only type of perceptions allowed in this stage. Any nouns, proper nouns, complex concepts are considered garbage. At this stage, the viewer is seeking to draw the target closer. Metaphorically, dragging it out of the shadows and into the light, so that their unconscious is able to describe the target in increasing detail. The generality of these type of words is a way to help keep down the mental noise to help avoid pattern recognition with one’s mind.

Stage Three : Freehand

Stage Three : Freehand Sketch

The data being sought by the Remote Viewing session is much like downloading a compressed file structure, in which the information is structured like a computer filing system. There are folders within folders that reach deep into the target’s subject matter. Very much like a ‘zip’ file on a computer, the data is similarly organized by mind/universe. Think of stage one as the download of a compressed file folder into one’s unconsciousness. Think of the ideogram as the connection to the data, and stage two is the act of decompressing the file folder structure. In Technical Remote Viewing, the stage three freehand sketch is the master blueprint of our metaphorical target.

An Archetype is a visual representation of a data set that is presented in this stage. Webster’s defines an Archetype as:

1.      The original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.

2.      (In Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

Although the first definition is applicable, for our purposes, we shall focus more on the second definition. Archetypes are as old as language and used by humanity for as long as there has been humans.

In the stage three freehand sketch, the viewer is attempting to allow their unconscious awareness to describe what is presented in this ‘zip’ file folder. It is an expanded perception of the data’s structure that will be decompressed and explored further. It can sound confusing, but really is simple. Your unconscious is feeding information to your conscious awareness in order to sketch general archetypes to be explored. Archetypical shapes follow general patterns in existence. Think of this as compressed visual information. Like Ideograms, Archetypes have been around a long time and deserve their own article. For it also has a body of information that is very deep and complex.

The Flow of TRV Session Work

In Technical Remote Viewing, one takes the standard CRV protocols/methodology and introduces additional structure to push the incoming data into a more efficient form. CRV does not have a stage three freehand sketch used in its methodology. In TRV, we are basically repeating the same flow of a CRV session but reorganizing it in a way that a final picture is assembled from these several ‘runs’ on each aspect of the target. In CRV, there is one progressions through these basic stages: one, two, and three: perhaps individually repeated many times depending on the viewer’s skill. In the TRV version of the Remote Viewing protocols, we use this progression many times, in effort to add more structure to the incoming data. The flow of TRV session is as follows:

Stage One - Contact with the target ->  Stage Two – Basic Perceptual Data -> Stage Three Freehand – Archetype Declaration

General session flow of Stage One : Ideogram (L) through to Stage Two : Perceptions (C) through to Stage Three : Freehand Sketch (R)

After the primary [Site] work is completed, then the highlighted Archetypes are explored with several rounds of:

Stage One – Contact with an Archetype -> Stage Two – Basic Perceptual Data about the next Archetype

-> Stage Three – Analytical Sketch -> Stage Four – High Level Perceptual Data

Session flow of Stage One : Ideogram and Stage Two : Perceptions(L) through to Stage Three : Freehand Sketch (C) through to Stage Four: Complex Perceptions (R)

This general outline or session flow above is repeated for every distinct Archetype represented in stage three Freehand

The viewer executes the first round of stages one through three freehand sketch. Then these archetypical sketches are targeted for further exploration, and then the viewer starts the process again. After doing so, the viewer starts again in stage one but this time they are directed to focus their attention on the next archetype, or sub-set of the target, via the stage one through stage four process (explained below). This enables a compounding view into the target, and approaches the overall target in several detailed chunks.

Subsequently, the viewer deploys more ideograms that are associated with the Archetype that is a sub-set of the target, and then proceed into another stage two focusing on the next motif. They derive their perceptual data and record it. Next, a Stage Three analytical sketch is deployed to describe the archetype in greater detail.


Stage Three: Analytical Sketch


At the end of the sequence in stage two of the aspect’s stages, a series of descriptor words will be perceived as ‘dimensional’ in nature. From this last column of perceptions about the target’s general appearance, the viewer will be constructing a basic, diagrammatic sketch of what the target looks like. If the viewer is experienced enough, the resulting sketch is easily assembled. A general knowledge of the target will impress itself upon the viewer as they progress through this stage. This is not an all-encompassing knowing, but an impression about how these dimensional aspects fit together in the sketch. At this point, the dimensional perceptions that were received at the end of stage two will be used to construct the sketch. Visual information about the target is objectified in this stage and roughly sketched out.

Session flow of Stage One : Ideogram and Stage Two : Perceptions(L) through to Stage Three : Freehand Sketch (C) through to Stage Four: Complex Perceptions (R)

 Stage Four: Refined Data Acquisition

Stage Four : Complex Perceptions

Once stage three is completed, the viewer quickly moves along to the next stage. Stage four is used for perceiving higher level or more conceptually complex data on the target. Proper nouns, complex concepts, impressions, and ideas are categorized and recorded here in a data matrix. Generally, the viewer begins up in the upper left hand side of the matrix and begins to categorize the incoming data into columns that are separated into emotional, tangible, intangible, and associative ideas. It takes a lot of practice to get the correct cadence and rhythm down appropriately, so that the incoming information simply flows through the viewer and does not stop and go erratically.

Stage four contains the most complex perceptions the viewer will receive from their unconscious in a basic session. This information will be used later on the site template. It also should be noted that the detailed stages above are occurring in the viewer’s focused attention and the words written on the page are simply a hand written record of what was occurring in the awareness of the viewer as it transpired.

At this point the viewer will repeat the process of progressing through stages one through four, for each Archetype perceived in the stage three freehand sketch. Each time the viewer moves through this process, they are investigating a different aspect of the target. Meaning: If there are four archetypes in the freehand sketch, then the Remote Viewer will ‘explore’ each aspect, four distinct times. They do so until there are no more archetypes left to explore.

This is the general evolution of Technical Remote Viewing from Coordinate or Controlled Remote Viewing. This revised structure produces more detailed information about the target in less time. This process offers more written information, but also adds an additional level of visual information to a session over that of one by CRV means. This additional level of visual information produced by the Technical Remote Viewing methodology is the Site Template. It acts as the final diagram of information assembled and is presented in a one-page mix of visual information and the complex perceptions about the target. It is the culmination of all written and visual information about the target on one page.

Combining the Stage 3[X] and Stage Four[X] of Archetype 1 (L,LC) and Stage Three[A] and Stage Four[A] of Archetype 2 (C, CR) to create the finished Site Template (R)

Final: Site Template

Site Template

It is at this point of a TRV session in which all of the related archetypes have been explored, and the Site Template can then be assembled. Upon finishing the exploration of the last aspect of the target, the Remote Viewer will have to compile the information into a site template. The viewer takes all of the stage three analytical sketches and all stage four data matrices and then combines the data together in a mosaic of visual and written information on one page. This is the Site Template.

Ultimately, the site template represents the unconscious’ general answer to the question being asked by the tasking. The site template may be all that is needed to be confident in an answer to the tasking. However, if more detail is needed, Technical Remote Viewing offers an additional place to begin the next investigation of the target, the Site Template, and digging even further into the information gathered in the session.

TRV is a derivative of CRV and is a result of implementing more structure, and reorganizing the traditional CRV method. A site template does not exist in CRV. Instead, a viewer may be required to investigate differently, requiring more time on target. There is nothing wrong with the original protocols, for they are rock steady and still work very well to this day. Regardless of personalities that have been associated with it in the past, the evolution of the original CRV protocols has produced a more efficient and streamlined process.

Site Summary of the Example TRV Session

Final : Session Summary

In addition to the Site Template, one more document is generated by the viewer after all of the heavy lifting is finished. This is the Site Summary. This is a summation of all of the complex perceptions in stage four. These perceptions are the fruit of a support structure that the Remote Viewer has built over the session. The site summary is the data acquired by the viewer then molded into a usable form. Taking from all of the stage four data, the viewer composes a brief and accurate summary from the data. At this point no analysis of the data can be done, for we are just reporting the facts as they were perceived. There is no room for weaving an aesthetic story line, and the summary must be compiled strictly of the data as it exists on the stage four pages.

In addition to the site template, the site summary is used to tell the story of the facts as they existed in session. It is from this point that the project manager and the remaining Remote Viewers can begin to analyze the data.

Force Multiplication

Before analyzing the results of what the example session produced, I want to explain the power of working in tandem with other Remote Viewers. There is a force multiplication effect exhibited when tasking multiple blind Remote Viewers towards a target. A team of professional level (military grade) Remote Viewers can accomplish great things when working blind of each other and the target. When everyone is blind to each other’s work and blind to the target, the resulting data that is compiled and analyzed will contain many pertinent concepts, impressions and descriptions that are very similar or identical. From the past research and development that was done at SRI, during the military unit’s operational timespan, and in private civilian companies up to this day: we know that corresponding and identical data points from blind Remote Viewers achieve an accuracy approaching the 90th percentile. In the military unit’s days, they aspired to have all viewers 85% accurate, 85% of the time. This is what they determined to be operationally accurate. Over the history of Remote Viewing, we know that data acquired from multiple blind Remote Viewing sessions that correspond with each other are accurate.

This level of accuracy is what we expect every time our group works together on a tasking. The acquired data must reference and correspond across Remote Viewing sessions to be considered accurate information. A very interesting situation occurs when none of the viewers know what the target is and they do not know what the other viewer’s results are, yet when the data is compiled: the resulting information is saying the same thing. Whether through analogy, metaphor, or direct data, the results are usually the same. Only then can one truly begin to understand the power of Remote Viewing: the ability to truly ask any question, and perceive highly accurate information. Only then can one become quite inured to the possibilities of what can be known by way of Remote Viewing.


Overdrive: The Session results


Unfortunately, this project was only tasked to one Remote Viewer. It is not an example of our normal work, but for the purposes of showing what a session looks like: it will suffice. This is why I felt comfortable using this session as an example, so that the reader can see what just one Remote Viewer can accomplish; let alone four or five. Fortunately, Morgan is an excellent Remote Viewer, and is a true professional. Because of his many years of practice with this methodology, his work is very crisp and free of mental noise. Excited by his work in this tasking, I decided to use his work as an example for you. It is an ideal Technical Remote Viewing session and has an ideal response to the tasking.

After the base session is completed, the site summary tells a basic storyline with points of interest. (See summary above) The story being woven by the session is of a person who is contemplating a moment of attack and is associated with the concept of an Origami Paper Fortune Teller of childhood fame. This fortuneteller is associated with the concepts of instructions, inspiration, and directions. This is the basic idea structure of the session, and as you can see: more work is needed to answer the tasking in great detail. The tasking asks when should I resign my position as a line cook and set out to work for myself in the Remote Viewing field.

In Technical Remote Viewing, after the base session is completed, the project manager has the ability to re-focus the targeting to zoom in on details that are provided in the Site Template. In this case, the concept of an Origami Paper Fortune Teller was the most intriguing aspect of the session work, as well as, the perceptions of ‘directions’, ‘moment of attack’, and ‘instructions’. These were targeted for follow on work to expand the concepts and see what else lies beneath these perceptions.

The Moment of attack revealed that there was a nexus point of time and space that was identified and sketched to some detail. This point and time was referencing the opportune time to resign and go about my business. This meeting point and connectivity is associated with sheer will.

The Directions revealed a person who was trying to time something with a flavor of righteous indignation. This person was confident. The instructions were associated with something like a symbolic turtle shell that was likened to a ‘tank’ and that there would be a parting of resistance to allow someone to advance like a swimmer swimming against a current. There are also militaristic motifs that are pushing this person towards planning, efficiency, and conservation of energy. Concepts of determination are associated with the start up being a bit rough and tumble at first but will give way to the ability to ‘fly’ through this time of rough and tumble. Finally, there was a sketch employed to depict a group of militaristic fellows that are charging a target just over the hill, and impressions that it’s time to do what I thought about doing and that it was about to explode. The impressions of attacking and the impression to fight and go were elucidated by his work.

Allegorically speaking, the overall impression of the session were the concepts of waiting until the time was right and fighting like hell to accomplish what I am after these days. A general plan of attack was provided by the Remote Viewing results. Although It can be a bit wordy at times, the basic concept of what to do is presented in the data. There is likely more to be learned in this session when data analysis is added to the process. I will not overly go into more detail on this target, mostly because there is only one session, and we do not have another session to compare it to. It is hard to make a rock solid decision based on a single session of a professional Remote Viewer. We normally execute with four or five in the group on just about any other target. The other viewers were busy and I knew I would get something worthwhile from Morgan.

Therefore, I hope that after having spent the time to look over this article and its components, images, and concepts you have a better idea of what a Technical Remote Viewing Session looks like and how a Remote Viewer works a target. Not only how the viewer works the target, but also how a group of viewers works together to get rock solid results. The data usually speaks for itself, and one only need to execute the follow-on instructions in the same way they would attack a basic base session. Technical Remote Viewing can get the job done in a wash, rinse, and repeat cyclical manner. When a professional Remote Viewer is in balance and in a symbiotic relationship with their unconscious, anything can be known.

“If you focus on the task at hand, shed all distractions, and follow reason with steadfast determination, the divine spark within you will burst in to flame.”

-Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations


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