(Main Article Artwork: Remission by Jeffery Smith @ Ascending Storm)

The Light

By Michael Chung | September 2021

I Died, so I Entered the Light…. Wait, What is Happening to Me ?!?!?!?


You start the day out normally. The blaring of your alarm wakes you from a pleasant dream that is already fading fast. You stare at the numbers on the clock and you bemoan about wishing you could just have five more minutes of rest, yet you begrudgingly roll out of bed instead. Your morning routine is pretty standard – breakfast, getting ready, finding something nice to wear, etc. As you are about to leave home, you wonder if you have time to squeeze in a quick errand before work or maybe you don’t want to risk rushing this morning and being late again. However, something happens rather suddenly and unexpectedly right at the door. You are not quite sure what has happened, but the next thing you see is actually you – it’s yourself. It looks like you, down on the floor and for some reason, something doesn’t look quite right. Your body’s eyes and mouth are wide open. The eyes just have a blank stare to them. In fact, you can look deep into the irises, looking not only for reflection that is curiously absent, but for a flicker of life to them. You notice that there is no breathing and no movement whatsoever. The chest does not move up and down indicating that this is a living thing. You are not sure what’s going on, but you start to panic a little and wonder if that means you’re dead. Something else also doesn’t feel right either because your vantage point is above the thing that looks like you. It’s literally up in the air like you’re floating there. So you wonder if you are dreaming possibly. That could explain you seeing something that looked like you and also how that thing looked dead. It is in this moment when you are literally blinded by something bright and shining to your right. You feel awestruck as well as comforted by its almost magnificent presence as it is appears that the light is coming forth to connect with you. It is like the light is exploding forth just in order to have you wrapped up within its gentle hands. You feel it is absolutely the most beautiful thing that you have ever seen and felt. There is a sense of calmness and warmth enveloping all over you. It is like falling into the most comfortable bed that you wish you got to experience in life, but never did. Your pains, aches and worries start falling off and away from you. If there is an idea of what perfect bliss feels like, this would be it. You feel a calling, but without actual words that could be heard, to move closer to it. It seems to be drawing you in, compelling you to go into the light. You feel comforted and at peace. You see images of your family that have long been dead and are tearfully reminded of how much you dearly miss them. You get closer to the light and then…

Descriptions such as the previous of near-death experiences have been presented more frequently in the last five or so decades as more individuals have come back from the brink of death due to more advanced life-saving methods. These descriptions can be varied, but for the vast majority of positive experiences that have been reported, a list of common elements can link together many of these experiences. These can include, but are not limited to: being met with dead loved ones, a bright light to which one is being directed into, the loss of any physical pain, overwhelming feelings of love and joy, and so forth. The purpose of this project was to investigate the idea of what happens generally in these experiences, if there is a light in the first place, what occurs in these experiences, if they are real or not, and finally what actually happens when an individual does enter this light. This project centered specifically upon this idea of “the light” as it was deemed central upon many of the anecdotal reports relating to near-death experiences and therefore worth investigating.

This investigation, like all others on this site, was conducted using intuition-based technology in the form of technical remote viewing or TRV, which is a version of remote viewing. This consisted of a group of three individuals, who shall be referred to as viewers, who each produced a set of data pertaining to the topic, in this case “the light”. This data consists of images and word-data that is then collected and analyzed to determine the answers to the investigation. The following details the aspects regarding the light uncovered via this information gathering, relevant to the nature of that light as well as the condition of those individuals who enter the light. In addition, this investigation further uncovered some of the origin relating to the history of this overall system.

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Folding Space by Euderion @ Euderion.DeviantArt.com


The System:

Attributes of the Light

First of all, the data across the work confirms the existence of this light as well as the surrounding system that it is a part of. Not much information about the actual physical characteristics of this light is actually given in the data, save for the idea that a physical distance separated this light from the vantage point of the individual undergoing the death experience. In this particular case, the location point of the light is metaphorically compared to a cliff, where going over the cliff’s edge is seen as entering the light.

The work describing this light and its system focuses instead primarily upon at least one other individual present other than the dying individual as well as describing the processes and their mechanics that occur at this location. Interestingly enough, the work heavily implies that many aspects of what we would consider associated with being alive, such as the sensation of pain and going to sleep, are able to be experienced in this death experience.

One of these processes that occur in this death experience has something to do with the subconscious mind surprisingly. It is not known exactly how an individual’s mind is related to this experience, but the information indicates it is related to this particular state of the brain. It seems the usage and creation of thoughts and ideas in this experience is in a way that is similar to dreaming. There are signs present within the data which indicate that in this altered state, more than one version of a “death experience” can occur. One of the most prominently known versions is the one where a light appears to beckon the dead forth into it, and this is the one scenario where the focus of this investigation occurs. This particular scenario is described within the data as confirming its existence just like in pop culture, however, some key aspect about this setup appears to be incorrect in some manner. There is some element present in the real world scenario that has been tampered with by a third party. It is unknown exactly which idea is being manipulated while it is being perceived by the dead individual, but it is being done and the net result is the some particular bit of important information is being blocked from the awareness of the individual.

The “Man” behind the Curtain

The reasons why this third party appears to be influencing the situation here are not fully understood, but it appears that they have their own goals with what occurs to people that enter this light. There is very little known about this third party. One could theoretically label them as a “man”, but there is no information to confirm they even have a gender or are even human. The things that are able to be determined revolve more about the character, nature and actions of this individual. They might be viewed by some as nefarious and unwelcome. They are not the kind of individuals who can be trusted, yet they are “in charge” of taking care of the people here. In other words, they could be dubbed an “untrustworthy evil overlord”. This third party also exists in a slightly different space than the one the dead individual is in. This could indicate they could be on slightly different realms of existence or another dimension altogether. The two are actually kept apart by some type of barrier present that is inherently a natural part of the system where this takes place.

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Skeleton on Rack by Chris Charles @ Sunsplash

The Cliff’s Edge

One of the viewers indicated the existence of an early warning system built into this place. They had compared it to the edge of a cliff, where once someone goes past a certain point, they will end up falling into the light. This could possibly mirror many anecdotal accounts of near-death experiences, where individuals are forced to make a decision either to go forward into the light or return back to their physical form. In these accounts, the individuals are often told by some third-party that should they choose the light, that once they move forward, they cannot turn back. Once they have made the choice to continue and go into this light, the story goes they would enter the afterlife, be able to rest and be at peace with their loved ones. Well, according to the remote viewing information, at least some of the story-line does appear to be intact with reality. Once the line has been crossed, the individual does end up resting. The person just has to undergo some process where they become reshaped and reformed with the end result of being put to sleep.

A Removal of Pain

When an individual decides to go into the light, some type of change occurs to the physicality the individual has in this place. It is unknown if this body the person has here is just some embodiment of the soul or another type of form which relates to the self, but whatever form the individual has in this place gets altered. For this alteration process, the body is reshaped and molded. This involves stretching of the body to allow some unknown additives to be introduced into the body. These additives work instantly once they have entered the body. They act as some type of anesthetic and they put the individual first into a relaxing place and finally into a sleep state. The primary reason for this is to remove any pain for the individual which may occur after this point. In addition to the pain removal, the individual may also have feelings of enjoying the process and some relief.

Putting Individuals to Sleep

Once the individual enters the light, the system sees subduing them as a necessity. Otherwise, the individual will be in some amount of pain that can be a form of obstruction to the full processes of what occurs in the light. One of the viewers described individuals gasping for air before they fall asleep. These individuals are giving out cries for help about what is going on with them. This further hints they may not be experiencing an altogether pleasant situation. However, it should be noted the intention of this system is to make this experience as harmless for the people as possible. The whys relating to why the pain of people can be obstructing are not clearly understood and did not come up in the information gathering. However, the whys relating to why pain tolerance is so fundamental to the current system did. In fact, if the pain felt by people after they died was not such a huge deal, the entire system would most likely not be run right now by our friendly and ever untrustworthy evil overlord.

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The Last Judgement of Hunefer in the Book of the Dead of Ani, c. 1275 B.C.E


How the Light Came to be:

The History of the Deal

The current system in place for when people cross over after death appears to at some point have deviated from what had been originally intended. The work done on this project heavily indicates this system in place now is the result of a treaty where negotiation deals occurred between at least two known parties, a public organization, who had been in charge of the welfare of the dead individuals, and also a group represented by the nefarious overlord figure. This involved a meeting which dealt with the care of the multitudes of individuals who were in this state of death and how to address the unfair situations and conditions these individuals may have been at that time. It is unknown how greatly those conditions differ from the ones presented in the previous section, as that was beyond the scope of this project. The key exception being the pain levels the souls were experiencing in the process seemed to be a key factor of discussion.

The Treaty of Souls

The result of this meeting is that the public organization in charge of the souls decides to compromise and settle for some sort of deal. Some of the work indicates there might even have been bribing which occurred to get this deal. The nefarious individual is seen to be part of the winning side of this deal. The conditions of this deal require them to act as the caretakers of these souls and to make the overall process harmless to the individual. Their job is to prevent the number of complications and issues occurring when an individual is in this after-death state. They are not physically in the same dimensional space as the one where this death experience occurs. They are kept away by the barrier mentioned previously which is some relic of the system they have inherited. They can however, influence the souls coming through the system by sending out false ideas and thoughts. Their goal is to get the individual to agree to enlist into something the data shows as taking up a whole lifetime. It is possible these caretakers, even though they come across as nefarious and deceptive while they affect the souls they encounter, may provide some overall net positive benefit to the individual. It is unknown how this could be, yet they are acting as caretakers in the first place and have agreed to watch over the multitude of individuals, even if it might not necessarily be in the best interests of these individuals.

How the System Affects You

The dead individual is oblivious to anything really going on in with the light or anything else about this experience. They have no idea about why and how this whole system exists in the first place. They come into this place seeing this light and feeling hopeful about the situation, about where they may go and what awaits them. They may begin reflecting and doing some “soul searching”. However, instead of finding “heaven” or other equivalent afterlife, the data indicates they more likely would become dissatisfied and disconnected with the results while they are being led astray. The only thing awaiting them is being put to sleep or into some other dormant phase. Their body or form is manipulated to have this effect. At this point, they are in the hands of this caretaker and the data is insufficient in determining what happens to them after this occurs.

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“Vanitas Still Life” by Pieter Claesz, 1630.


The current system involving what it means to go “into the light” is deceptive towards those souls seeking the afterlife. They may be fooled into accepting the ideas presented forth by the light’s caretakers. These caretakers acquired the rights for this system though negotiations. They are to watch over these souls, yet are able to easily manipulate them at the same time for their own purposes. These caretakers are not to be trusted at all.

With regards to similarity to anecdotal near-death experiences, two main concepts seem to be validated through the usage of remote viewing. First, the overall idea that there is a “light” and some sort of experience associated with occurring at death is being shown to exist. Second, the effects upon the individual having the experience where there is pain being removed from the individual as well as feelings of relaxation and other positive emotions are corroborated.

Where to Go from Here

Three main ideas derived from the data analysis of this project where it was felt the information merited further research.

First, this “deal” presented that affects what happens to individuals in this afterlife requires more information. The details on this deal are lacking in terms of why the old system was not good enough, what the current controllers of the system gain from the administration of it and just who are these controllers really? Did humans end up as unwilling third-parties in the discussions that created this deal and just had to accept the outcomes regardless of how it affects them?

Second, after humans go through this process and enter the light, what happens to them? This project shows the individuals being reshaped and physically altered as they enter the light, but there is no word after this point other than the idea of going dormant, or to sleep. Do people stay that way for an unknown amount of time? Is there some sort of “afterlife” at some point? Does the idea of reincarnation occur as well?

Finally, is it better to go into the light after all of this or are you better off to run away as far as you can from what it means when you come face to face with it?



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