By Morgan Farrell | AUGUST 2020
Like many other revolutionary technologies that facilitate our modern lifestyle – nuclear power, GPS, the Internet, to name a few – remote viewing (RV) began as a Top-Secret Special Access Program accessible only to select high-ranking individuals in the US government. Since its declassification in 1995, RV has become increasingly popular for both personal and corporate use. Remote viewing represents the cutting edge of the still-emerging field of applied consciousness tools, and may prove in the long run, to be the most important discovery of the 20th century.
In 1972, two well respected laser physicists (Drs. Hal Puthoff, PhD and Russell Targ, PhD, based out of the Stanford Research Institute [SRI]) were approached by representatives from the Central Intelligence Agency with a problem. Increasingly frequent reports form the USSR indicated that the Soviets were successfully using “psychics” to spy on the most sensitive US Cold War initiatives. Though this ran contrary to Western belief systems, military doctrine of the time stated that anything they were doing, we had to do better. Initially, the physicists were contracted to design a series of scientific experiments. By testing individuals noted for their intuitive capabilities alongside randomly selected control subjects, under strict lab-controlled conditions they were to determine the validity of so-called “psychic” phenomena – or to discredit it. Some notable participants included Ingo Swann, Uri Geller, Pat Price, Hella Hammid, and Joe McMoneagle.
Early experiments at SRI were highly successful, with participants regularly exceeding greater than million-to-one odds in peer-reviewed experiments. The results were so shocking – to virtually all of those involved – that by 1973, the program had developed into a full on threat assessment. SRI civilian subjects were tasked with remote viewing a number of highly classified US military initiatives, including the stealth bomber program, and a secret NSA facility in Colorado. The results were so spectacular that a five-year investigation was launched to investigate suspected leaks in these classified programs. There were none. Soon after, government-sponsored remote viewers were issued Top-Secret clearances, and the US Army’s first Psychic Intelligence (PSIINT) collection unit went operational.
Extensive research and development of improved methodologies continued over the next several years. Both scientists and subjects worked to determine how individuals were able to repeatedly collect detailed and accurate information on something that was unavailable through any standard perceptual channels. Extensive physiological and psychological testing failed to show any abnormality in test subjects, eventually leading researchers to postulate that to some degree or another, this capability is innate; it is a natural function of the human mind. Naturally, the next logical step would be to try to reverse-engineer the process to see if it could be taught like any other skill, such as language, or a musical instrument. And that is precisely what they did.
In 1982, the first CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing) students, selected for their apparent lack of natural “psychic” ability, were trained to use this breakthrough methodology. To the surprise of everyone, these trainee students were quickly outshining many of the original test subjects. The CRV method was rapidly adopted as the preferred method of operational PSIINT data collection. The military remote viewing unit went on to assist in successful operations with the CIA, DIA, DOD, DEA, FBI, ATF, NSA, NASA, and virtually any other named (or unnamed) agency under the banner of the US government. Some notable CRV-trained viewers include Tom McNear, Ed Dames, Paul Smith, Mel Riley, Lyn Buchanan, and David Morehouse.
Welcome to the Real World
Finally, in 1995, with the Soviets defeated and the Cold War over, rumors of the US Government’s use of “psychic spies” were officially acknowledged. The program was partially declassified, amidst a firestorm of controversy, both internal and external.
This marked the end of an era of secrecy, and the introduction of remote viewing to the world at large, when Major Ed Dames (US Army, ret. – former training and operations officer of the military remote viewing unit, and protégée student of Ingo Swann) opened the first commercial remote viewing business to the public. Here, research and development of real-world applications continued, and methodological advancements resulted in the creation of Technical Remote Viewing (TRV). The TRV method represents the most advanced data collection and general problem-solving tool in existence.
In ensuing years, the field of remote viewing has continued to expand, even in the face of adversity, as any truly groundbreaking idea must. Now is the time for a new generation of remote viewers to further expand horizons – to synergistically revolutionize what we define as “possible”.
Protocol and Methodology
Remote Viewing (RV): Based on the concept that all things exist not only physically, but as a pattern of information outside of our standard “five-sense” reality, RV is defined by researchers at SRI, as the ability to collect information about any person, place, thing, or event (referred to as the target, or task), by mental means only, while separated by distance, shielding, or time. The term Remote Viewing is actually somewhat of a misnomer, in that visualization is only a small part of the overall information collection process. Perhaps a more accurate term would be remote perception. However the original name has been kept in honor of Ingo Swann, widely considered as being the father of remote viewing, who coined the phrase.
Throughout its decades of research and operations, the government sponsored RV program engaged in a number of experimental approaches to testing and evaluating psi functioning, eventually settling on a standardized approach. Today, standard RV protocol consists of the following three components:
· One person (the project manager, or PM) specifies the target on a piece of paper. The target can be any person, place, thing, or event, at any point time. This is specified by use of a reference photograph, or by writing it down on paper. This is now placed inside an envelope, and marked with an 8-digit reference code (called a target reference number, or TRN) supplied by a random number generator.
· A second person (the remote viewer) is supplied only with the target reference number. This is known as working under blind conditions, and ensures that all information generated by the viewer is done strictly through their own mind. The viewer employs a prescribed method as developed through the military sponsored program (the three most common are described below). This results in a combination of written information and sketches (this is considered a remote viewing session), followed by a brief written overview of the work.
· The project manager reviews the RV session results and decides if any further information or clarification is required from the viewer. Only after all RV session work is complete is the remote viewer made aware of the nature of the target. At this point, the viewer and the project manager analyze the session results in light of the target, and come to a conclusion based on this collaborative effort. Typically, a trained and experienced viewer should provide results that are consistently clear, accurate, and detailed. The military’s minimum operating standards state that an operational viewer must display 85% accuracy, 85% of the time, referred to as the “85-85 rule”. This principle can be leveraged through use of an independent team of remote viewers.
Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV): the CRV method was developed over many years primarily by Dr. Hal Puthoff and subject Ingo Swann by reverse engineering, in a second-by-second manner, the perceptual process experienced by naturally gifted psychics. This de-constructed process was then fashioned into a series of step-by-step teachable instructions, divided into rigidly structured stages (S1 through S6). Eyes open, fully aware, sitting with a pen and a stack of blank paper, the viewer is provided only with pre-defined target reference numbers. The viewer then progresses through the stages, objectifying on paper their spontaneous responses to specifically outlined prompts. Always progressing through the stages, never pausing to look at their work, CRV structure is as follows:
· S1: “connecting” to the target and determining its basic nature (eg. life form, structure, landscape, etc.)
· S2: low-level sensory (eg. textures, colors, smells, sounds, etc.) and dimensional concepts (eg. size, shape, density, orientation, motion, etc.)
· S3: low-level / basic sketching, outlining
· S4: high-level data collection (specific tangible and intangible concepts, associations, and contextual data)
· S5: conceptual expansion (sometimes skipped)
· S6: high-level / detailed sketching, drawing (or use of other “S6 tools” such as clay modeling as required)
Technical Remote Viewing (TRV): the TRV method is a derivative of CRV, and shares the same stage-based, focused and aware, pen-on-paper approach. The differences lie in the specific format, where CRV tends to look at the problem as a whole, TRV breaks the problem (or target) down into its separate components. This results in the ability to extract an increased amount of technical data (hence, the name) typically in a shorter period of time when compared to other methodologies. This refined method was developed by Major Ed Dames (US Army, ret.). Its faster paced, more rigid approach to structured remote viewing comes as a result of the increased scope of problem sets encountered in the private sector, as opposed to the military. In addition to its slightly modified structure, the TRV method also employs an expanded array of S6 tools for varying applications. Last, but not least, its streamlined, multi-tiered, and results-oriented training system makes TRV not only the most practical of the RV methodologies to learn, but also the easiest (in this author’s opinion and experience).
Extended Remote Viewing (ERV): the ERV method is very different than the two previously described, and is much more in-line with people’s common perception of what Remote Viewing is. ERV requires the viewer to sit or lie blindfolded and with earmuffs, and work their way slowly into a deeply altered state called the hypnogogic (mind awake, body asleep). The viewer must maintain this state at an optimum brainwave rate of 3.5 hertz, or ultra-deep theta. Once stability is achieved, the viewer engages in a series of steps designed to engage visualization mode, not unlike lucid dreaming, and proceeds to focus on the provided target reference numbers. At this point, the viewer will experience a sensation like flying, and find him or herself visualizing the target. The viewer then explores the target, collecting as much information as possible before “disconnecting” and “waking up”. Written descriptions and sketches must be made immediately upon “waking”, as ideas will tend to fade quickly, much like the effect of waking from a dream. In practice, the ERV method is somewhat similar to the advent of an out of body experience, but with years of lab-controlled study and refinement, practice and training can make the ERV experience much easier to learn and control – though a high degree of discipline is still clearly required.
The Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild (HRVG) - takes a uniquely hybridized approach to RV methodology, utilizing elements of “awake and aware” CRV / TRV styles and incorporating certain visualization techniques more akin to the ERV method, while utilizing additional proprietary techniques.
Technical Dowsing: specific dowsing protocol developed to complement RV in both office and field operations. While RV excels at accurate and detailed target descriptions and sketches, dowsing, through use of a pendulum, L-rods, or no device at all, operates on the same fundamental bio-mechanical (mind-body / kinesthetic) principles as its counterpart disciplines. Technical Dowsing can be used to locate items either on-site, or remotely, as well as assist in determining binary outcomes.
In order to apply these applied consciousness tools to real-world problem-sets, one must first learn and practice the skill(s) in order to obtain a level of proficiency. For beginning viewers, this is achieved by working against readily verifiable targets, such as famous landmarks, people, or events. Results can easily be measured in order to quantify a viewer’s accuracy level. Once a consistent level of accuracy and detail has been reached, the viewer can now begin to work against more advanced or unverifiable targets with confidence, while still engaging in periodic, verifiable calibration sessions. Some examples of real-world problem-sets a remote viewer may encounter include:
· Determining optimal personal life trajectories
· Answering personal questions / self-discovery
· Assisting in the diagnoses of health related issues
· Assisting with technical / engineering problems
· Assisting in locating missing items
· Projecting future market trends
· Engaging in competitive business market investigations
· Exploring historical events
· Exploring presently unreachable destinations
· Investigating scientific mysteries and enigmas
· Verifying or debunking theories
As one might imagine, the scope of practical applications for these tools is very large, and their use becomes especially powerful when used in conjunction with experts in a given field. The differences in the methods used by military and private sector remote viewers have a vast array of potential applications, both personal and in business. Different techniques may be better suited to different tasks. While CRV and TRV focus on raw, objective data collection, ERV can provide insight in different ways due to its heavily experiential nature. Technical Dowsing nicely rounds out the available skill-set by filling in the gaps that remote viewing is, on occasion, unable to fill. In addition to the many practical applications of remote viewing as a skill, those who take the time to learn tend to report increased positivity, sense of purpose, and a deeper understanding of their place in existence. This tends to result from the understanding that everything is indeed connected, through direct personal experience. As a whole, these applied consciousness tools, in the right hands, and in alliance with those on the cutting edge of science, technology, and development, have the potential to guide the entire human race into the future in ways never before thought possible.
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