Deep Mind Exploration: Vladimir Putin
By Morgan Farrell | June 2022
Disclaimer: This document does not contain advice of any sort, nor is it editorial in nature. Its contents should be read for educational purposes only. This report offers no moral judgement in its presentation of the following information.
The world finds itself in an increasingly tumultuous state, with international tensions rising steadily. The recent outbreak of hostilities between Russia and the Ukraine are symptomatic of larger issues, and quite possibly indicative of broader trends. As such, we believe it prudent to explore any such issues using our unique toolset, and to divulge our results publicly.
The fog of war rolls thick and fast, making reliable and accurate information hard to come by and difficult to discern. This is inevitable, notwithstanding the further inevitable introduction of propaganda into the equation - an understandable and effective tactic employed by all sides of any given conflict. Remote viewing is an ideally suited tool to pierce this fog, and to provide reliably accurate information in a direct and objective manner.
This project was designed and initiated for the purpose of providing an otherwise unobtainable glimpse into the mind of one of today’s most relevant and elusive individuals by targeting it directly. Our first objective was to establish a baseline using a technique known as a deep mind probe, followed by the sporadic monitoring of the subject’s uppermost thoughts over several weeks in mid through late May, 2022. Of the numerous approaches to data collection we could have taken, we consider this to be of the greatest overall value, and therefore best use of our limited resources.
This report is not intended to be sensational, merely factual.
This study was conducted by a team of highly trained and experienced (military-grade) professional remote viewers and students using the Technical Remote Viewing (TRV) method. TRV is a scientifically-developed, military intelligence-derived data collection tool: a teachable and repeatable method of acquiring accurate and objective information about any subject, in a strictly defined and procedural manner, using one’s mental faculties alone, i.e. a specific and proven form of psychic functioning. Note that in spite of its formal title, RV-generated data is not strictly confined to that which is visually detectable, but virtually any perceivable concept.
Standard blind protocol* was strictly adhered to throughout the entirety of the project by all remote viewers. Each participant was independently provided solely with a set of target reference numbers (TRNs) assigned to the project by the PM, and were instructed to complete and submit at least one TRV session within a specified timeframe. All participants and the PM met for a round table discussion and presentation of the RV-generated data, where preliminary conclusions were drawn while still operating under blind conditions, followed by the revelation of the target, and subsequent final data analysis. The data collection period for this project ran from May 2 through May 27, 2022.
*Note: blind protocol requires that the project participants (remote viewers) remain unaware of the nature of their target until all RV session work and preliminary data analysis are complete. A given target can be virtually anything that can be sketched and described linguistically - a person, place, thing, event, or even an abstract concept, such as a thought or idea, at any time in the past, present, or future.
Vladimir Putin is a highly intelligent, historically literate, and deeply thoughtful individual. His motivations stem from a deep sense of nationalism, as well as a desire to leave behind a legacy of strength and restoration. He intends to continue what he considers a campaign of developmental expansion, a modified and modernized take on the Soviet playbook of old. While he typically thinks within a rather strict operational framework, he can and will move outside of this predictable comfort zone if required.
There is a presently increasing risk of massive escalation as a result of Putin’s belief that the use of larger-scale weaponry may necessarily become his last resort at any moment. Whether offensively or defensively, Putin is prepared to initiate a targeted mass-casualty event. Placed in such a position, he will not hesitate to make that decision.
Section 1: Deep Mind Probe
To better understand an individual’s current thoughts and thought processes, one must first understand the underlying foundations of an individual’s deep mind, which produces such thought patterns. To this end, we have identified several concepts and characteristics, which could be categorized as follows:
I - Framework
Vladimir Putin operates within a deeply embedded and highly disciplined framework. This is directly attributable to his history as a member of the Soviet (and later Russian) military, security, and intelligence services, notably the KGB, FSB, and Russian Armed Forces.
This is Putin’s strategic - and to a lesser degree, ideological - home base, so to speak. Less a playbook than a generally reliable frame-of-reference. Nonetheless, this implies a relatively high degree of predictability.
II - Motivation
Putin is acting from a place of desperation: a perceived state of having been backed into a corner. In a word: trapped. He feels a deep desire, if not a need to correct for what he sees as past mistakes which led to the weakening and eventual collapse of the Soviet Union, and the subsequent difficulties Russia has encountered in its efforts to rebuild.
From this perspective, he can be considered of sound mind and genuine conviction, solidifying his devotion to the cause.
III - Goals
During the execution of this probe, we identified the subject’s deeply desired goals, which can be broadly summarized under two categories, as follows:
A) Glory
Despite any public statements to the contrary, territorial expansion is very much the objective behind Russia’s recent activities. The intention is to continue subsuming territory, gaining ground with expansive momentum as long as they are able. There is also strong and repeated reference to the idea of modernization and development.
B) Legacy
Though we identified no sign of imminent fear for his own life, we did detect in the subject an acute awareness of his own mortality, and the desire to leave behind a particular and meticulously crafted legacy. Knowing his time in power, if not on this earth, is time-limited, he wishes to be seen and ultimately remembered in a certain way.
This desire is perhaps best illustrated by the photographs we are shown of Putin both on the job and outside of his official capacity: a bare-chested Putin riding horseback through the Russian wilderness, a judo match, a hockey game. All very archetypal, symbolic of strength, masculinity, independence: Putin, the strong and wise tactician, the great Russian who restored the land to its ideals. Effectively, Putin wishes to be typecast in the annals of history as somewhat of a Neo-Soviet reformer, or in a sense, a modern and “good” version of a Lenin, or a Stalin.
Section 2: Uppermost Thoughts
Where a deep mind probe is designed to explore the subject’s unconscious and subconscious thoughts, revealing one’s modus operandi, this of course is only half of the picture. To complete our present understanding, we must also explore the flip side of the coin: Vladimir Putin’s uppermost thoughts, or the most prevalent ideas at the forefront of his mind.
At present, Vladimir Putin is operating under tremendous pressure. Much of this stress stems from the belief that he stands alone - that only now, and only he can maneuver his country back to its former glory. In this present era of post-Covid global reorganization, he views himself as uniquely positioned and suited for this task: an outlier, or an infidel of sorts; a disbeliever in (and an opponent of) the generally understood and accepted world order.
He also views the present situation as potentially late-stage, racing toward the endgame. As Ukraine falls, the probability of their Western allies lashing out increases exponentially. In the event of expanded hostilities, or the perception of any larger-scale conflict with the West, Putin is fully committed to the use of advanced weaponry, including nuclear, as a targeted and final injunction - a veritable holocaust in but a moment.
This is his option of last resort, a decisive way out. One that he does not wish for, but one that he absolutely will pursue if pressed beyond a certain point - and that point is near, should his adversaries continue their perceived unwarranted interference. It is important to understand that from his perspective, this would be considered a victory, an achievement of his goals, under the circumstances. He thinks to himself “den’ blizok, ublyudki” (the day is coming, you bastards). He is not bluffing.
Of note, we identified the concept that this payload is intended for detonation over water, not land.
With remote viewing, as with any investigatory method, it is of equal value to consider what does not show up in-session as what does; what’s unsaid is often as valuable as what is said. Reading between the lines, Vladimir Putin is not crazy, and he is not imminently afraid for his own life, per se. He most certainly is not deathly ill, as some western intelligence reports have intimated repeatedly for many years now.
As there is no indication of madness on the part of the Russian President, there is also no indication of the desire for untoward cruelty or destruction. He desires the love and respect of his people, not their fear and submission.
However, he is deadly serious in his willingness to commit to a first-strike offensive using unprecedented force (nuclear, at a minimum) if he feels sufficiently cornered - and he is well on his way there, at present. It is impossible to say with certainty the precise likelihood that this is going to occur, however our assessment is that chances of this event taking place without alteration to the current trajectory are greater than 50%.
This leads us to believe that either Russia is stronger than commonly accounted for, or that they believe the West will not effectively and decisively follow through in the event of massive and immediate escalation.
Author’s Notes:
I understand that in the presentation of this report, I will be accused of having Russian sympathies, or at the very least, being soft on the current regional conflict. Again, I feel the need to reiterate that the intent of this report is nothing more or less than to relay the results of our recent RV investigation to any curious parties.
Whatever one’s perspective on or experience with Russia and its own history, it is my hope that this work may be read and considered independent of any potential baggage.
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