The Next US President

by Morgan Farrell | October 2024


Thank you for taking the time to read our report on the outcome of the 2024 US presidential election. We hope that you find it interesting, informative, and perhaps even valuable. Though we have not published new work in some time, we have been busy behind the scenes to bring you a great deal of innovative remote viewing material - in addition to our largely as yet unpublished back catalogue of material - over the coming months and years. If you find our efforts worthy, and are in a position to comfortably do so, please consider donating to the IU team, to help with expenses, and to begin to compensate the team members who have put countless hours into honing their skills and applying them toward what we believe to be an admirable goal: bringing you remote viewing data that we believe to be interesting and / or important. You can help fund future endeavors by clicking here (donations page).


The winner of the 2024 US presidential election is Donald John Trump, making him both the 45th and 47th - the next - President of the United States in an historic comeback. Equally momentous, our data suggests that President Trump may currently be in the early stages of terminal disease, which may cut short his second term.

Background & Purpose:

Recent political cycles in the United States - and the issues driving them - have become increasingly contentious, if not outright divisive. So much so that in fact, this current presidential campaign has been touted as a battle for the very soul of America. Democracy itself, according to some, hangs in the balance. Naturally, an event of such consequence and intrigue demands investigation.

This project was initiated on September 17, 2024, and was completed in just over two weeks time, on October 4. The purpose was to determine the who assumes office as a result of the upcoming US presidential election, using remote viewing (RV) as a means of predictive intelligence. Please note that this report is not intended to convey the personal opinions of the author / project manager, or any of the project participants, which vary greatly. It is intended only to present the results of a blind remote viewing study.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961)

Project Overview

Operational remote viewing consists of a few basic steps:

1) Protocol & Method

Cueing strategies for predictive intelligence work typically fit into one of two categories: experimental and operational.

Many of our predictive remote viewing projects are considered experimental in nature, by way of research and development in RV targeting strategies. Such is not the case for this project; however, which would be considered operational.

2) Targeting

The first step in any remote viewing project is to identify the target - what exactly do you want the remote viewers to gather information about? Operational targeting often comes in the form of a cue, or a written set of instructions designed by the project manager (PM) to specify the parameters of the desired target. A logical and well-considered targeting strategy - the wording of a given cue - is critical to a project’s success: in order to obtain a useful answer, one must ask the right question.

Regarding the topic at hand, the cue employed was as follows: Next President of the United States. This task was written on a document and formally assigned a set of target reference numbers (TRNs) as a means of keeping viewers blind to the target, ensuring all data collected is purely ‘psychically' generated while avoiding any potential biases or preconceived notions.

3) Data Collection

Once a suitable target has been chosen and formalized (documented), its associated TRNs are forwarded to all participating remote viewers with the understanding that they are to engage in a remote viewing session against the provided target using their preferred RV method. All participants in this project used the Technical Remote Viewing (TRV) method.

A session transcript is produced, and provided to the PM. The PM may ask individual viewers to run additional, focused RV work against a particular aspect identified in their initial (base) session, depending on the amount of detail sought, and / or time-constraints.

4) Data Analysis (Results)

Once all RV session work is complete, raw data collected undergoes a number of rounds of analysis and interpretation. Preliminary analysis occurs as session transcripts are submitted to the PM for review. Secondary analysis is undertaken as a group effort, with viewers presenting their results and comparing notes, all while still blind to the nature of the target. Final analysis is reserved for post-cue reveal, giving participating viewers an opportunity to amend their interpretation of results, given their newly-acquired context, if and as required. No such amendment was required during the analysis phase of this project.

Some amount of incorrect or misinterpreted data will inevitably make its way onto an RV session transcript. Remote viewers are trained in a number of techniques to recognize and filter out bad data throughout the process, however 100% accuracy in all details is exceedingly rare. Dispatching multiple viewers against a given target can also help mitigate the probability of significant errors making their way into the final product. As such, we feel confident that the information presented in this report will prove highly accurate in the near to mid-term future.

5) Results-Based Action

In this case, as it applies to the IU team, step four means that we have a duty to report our findings publicly, and as quickly as possible: see our initial social media posts, and this report. Any other case use is up to the individual reader, for example, if one should choose to place a wager, based on our results.

County Electoral Map of 2020

Viewer’s Results

Remote viewing is a truly revolutionary tool, though it is imperfect. As viewers seek to record subtle ‘psychic signals’ - sometimes a fleeting visual, sometimes an apparently nonsensical or unrelated intangible concept - they engage in a real-time exercise in translation, from the language of the unconscious to the conscious.

The target as designated by the PM was Next President of the United States. If a viewer’s implicit instructions are to provide information relevant to the target, we would expect session results to articulate a description of one of the candidates in a scenario of some relevance.

Considering restraints on time and viewer availability, an executive decision was made to forego further exploration on anything extraneous to the primary objective. As such, we were able to solve the issue conclusively, while lacking in finer granularity regarding the broader surrounding circumstances.

Bearing in mind that running a remote viewing session does not equate to being present at a given target location, or watching an event unfold on video. Rather, it is akin to a series of subtle impressions, distorted visuals, and concepts that are relevant, but sometimes lacking fuller context. With that frame of reference, find below a description of each viewer’s in-session perceptions, and see how we came to our conclusions.

Viewer One

The target is a person, a man who seems to be stuck between a rock and a hard place; he is having difficulty in getting out of the situation he finds himself in. Although he is ready to move on, circumstances do not allow for it at this time. He finds this somewhat akin to a jail sentence, or paying one’s dues. It feels like there is disaster that follows this person close behind.

The circumstances this person finds themselves in is described as excitable, if not outright explosive. It is deeply philosophical, based on belief structure, and it involves other people: it’s about how to make certain ideas palatable to people. The target individual is anxious, yet remains contemplative about this, understanding that the situation is messy and complicated.

This whole scenario seems like it’s a repetition, or a do-over somehow. It’s part of a process that is not finished. It’s like hitting the reset button, a renewal of some sort. This person is rising, rising anew. It reminds me of a baptism, in a certain sense.

So this guy is facing this situation, it’s like there is a barrier that needs to be overcome to achieve his goal. The strategy here seems to be in aiming for the high bar, not just the low bar - a definitive and incontestable victory. It’s a lofty goal but it is achievable. The guy is in a pit of despair or depression, but it girding himself for war in order to complete his mission.

So the answer to the target is: there’s a person trying to get over a barrier in order to finish his goal. It reminds me of a pole vaulter trying to achieve a personal best, a record. He has already overcome many obstacles in getting to where he is now, and this seems to be the final challenge. Ultimately, he is successful in escaping the undesirable situation he finds himself in, and he does achieve his goal; it’s game over.

Viewer Two

The target is describing a large gathering event. It’s a giant event: a big deal, a game-changer, explosive. A change is happening here, a tectonic shift. This is one of a series of large gatherings of a similar nature. It’s a movement that represents an ideology. It has something to do with the judgement of a person.

There is a central figure at these gatherings, a man wearing a suit. These events are of central importance to what this person is doing, or trying to achieve. The person is described as being vocal, with an arbitrary and decadent flow. He has a huge ego that is being reinforced by these events - the people here are moody, vocal, and charged-up. There is some sense that he doesn’t fully know what he is doing or where he is going with all of this.

The man appears to be presenting, explaining. He is angry. He is calling people liars, saying they are wrong. He is laying out some plans, implying a long-form impeachment proposition, referencing a large screen with things projected onto it.

There is an idea that something is fired, something abrupt, like a cannon: a shooter in the midst. As the crowd disperses, screaming, the subject is ejected from this place, taken away somewhere.

There are also a couple of references that are a bit unclear as to their association to the target: the idea of a misdemeanor, and some sort of a religious component or aspect.

Viewer Three

Viewer Three describes a scenario involving someone undergoing treatment and monitoring in a medical laboratory-type of environment. Something unidentified has invaded the host, poisoning, causing sickness. This may be a form of cancer. There is some sense that this may have been purposely induced in some way. Whatever the specifics, it quickly reduces life expectancy.

This person is described as being involved in some sort of a competition or tournament, about which they are feeling hopeful and energized. Strongly associated with this situation is the concept of the male-female divide, and the idea of coming together. Balancing reproductive rights was referenced, with the viewer emphasizing the significance of this aspect.

Finally, there is reference to some activity around an organizational chart. The activity is described as involving a classic ‘big-wig’ boss-type figure delegating duties to his underlings: instructions are going down the chain, with feedback / information coming back up. It seems as though the center of this organization chart is collapsing. The idea here is that the system isn’t working anymore; it’s a failing autocracy, and a revolution.

In short, there’s a person who is involved in a competition. He may be in the early stages of a terminal disease, but he remains energetic, he gains energy from this competition. It’s important that he remain (or at least appear) virile, viable reproductively. There is some mention of the idea of colonization and defending against it. There is also some concept of a battle between high-status and low-status individuals within a culture, as well as a religious component.

Viewer Four

In comparison to previous sessions, Viewer Four’s RV work produced a description of a far less dynamic scenario, vivid, if ominously static.

While in-session, this viewer perceived an interesting looking angular container, dark and ornate, with a large viewing window rendering its contents visible. On display here is the carcass, or corpse of a person, noted as having a dark yellow tan. This individual is later buried beneath a massive, blocky tombstone. One team member astutely recognized the viewer’s description of these conditions as a match for when a head of state’s remains are put on display for a period of time: lying in repose.

Viewer Four also notes two tangentially related items, of unknown association: the relevance of breeding, and some connection to activities described as illicit.

There is, however, a significant amount of connective tissue and corroborating data between sessions - an example of the division-of-labor principle, a common occurrence in group RV projects - increasing confidence in the accuracy of our results.

Original Art "Entwined Eternity"  By Asymoney via

Analysis & Conclusions

Sessions were judged individually and as a whole, as to who their results were likely describing. Though each viewer describes their target individual in differing scenarios, all descriptions seem to fit one candidate significantly better than the other. Our professional opinion - unanimously and unreservedly - is that session results indicate Donald Trump will re-assume office as the next President of the United States.

Primary Dataset

The primary dataset would be considered as consisting of anything that applies to the project’s primary objective of identifying the next US president. To this end, we considered the following:

Upon un-blinding viewers were virtually instantaneous in forming harmonious opinion, to a person. When pressed to justify, viewers presented a simple yet telling observation: the consistency across sessions describing the target life form as a man. Even when not explicitly stated, a viewer will typically have some sense of these sorts of details - target subjects seem to exude distinguishably male or female ‘auras’ - and indeed all had defaulted to describing their sessions ostensible ‘protagonist’ as he. Often, what is not indicated in RV session work is as important as what is. Case in point: in this apparently binary contest, one potential winner is a woman, the other a man. Of course, this is not the sole, nor the strongest contention as to answering the question at hand; additional data provides far greater surety.

Addressing sessions individually, Viewer One remarked that his session simply sounds like it’s describing Trump: someone who likely doesn’t want to be in this precarious situation, but has no choice but to see it through. The idea that this is a repetition, a do-over. Disaster following his every move.

On top of that is the overarching analogy of a pole vaulter aiming not just to best his competition, but to achieve a world-record victory. This is almost certainly an allusion to one of the Trump campaign’s stated objectives, encapsulated in the slogan “Too Big To Rig” - alluding to his belief that the results of the 2020 presidential election were fraudulent. Further, this viewer’s session explicitly states that its target person is successful in achieving his goal. This viewer, and all project participants judged this session as almost certainly depicting Donald Trump.

Viewer Three’s session exhibits an individual at the top of an organizational chart who very much fits the description of Trump: a ‘big-wig’ boss-type giving orders to his subordinates. Much of the session seems to outline policy positions, chief among which is the issue of balancing reproductive rights, something the Republican ticket has been pushing for by way of reverting it to the legal jurisdiction of the states, as opposed to blanket federal legislation.

Moreover, the idea that Trump may be medically unwell has been floated elsewhere previously, and if session results are correct, there is some truth to these rumors. All things considered, project participants judged this session as highly likely to be depicting Donald Trump.

Viewer Four describes his session’s central figure (although deceased, and therefore at some point in the future) as having a dark, yellow tan - a distinctive feature and part of Trump’s signature look. Despite this viewer depicting an event that has not yet occurred, all viewers and PM agreed the physical description is clearly a match in favor of Trump.

Potentially the standout session and clearest in directly answering the question posed is the work produced by Viewer Two, whose session, upon analysis, clearly depicts the events of July 13, 2024: the attempted assassination of Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Therefore, this was an easy judgement in favour of candidate Trump from all participants. Further, it was suggested that this event may have been the defining moment of this election season, and the one that ensured his victory.

Secondary Dataset

Any contextual data identified outside of the target’s primary objective is of secondary importance. It can, however, provide valuable insight as to the bigger picture.

Some contextual data appears to infer along what lines the decision will ultimately be made, at the voter level. Throughout session results can be found notions of faith, policy, and ideology, indicating particularly strong voter sentiment toward key issues as crucial to the outcome of the events about to unfold. Though not an exhaustive list, viewers did identify a number of topics of import to this election cycle. So, besides the outcome of the election at hand, what else does our work tell us?

With regard to policy, we expect to see major bureaucratic restructuring upon Trump re-taking office in an attempt to “drain the swamp” although it is not entirely clear that this effort is successful, as the viewer who identified this aspect described this happening in rather chaotic terms, as collapsing, indicating a less-than-controlled implosion. Separately, but also policy related, one viewer highlights the concept of defending against colonization - almost certainly a direct reference to Trump’s long-held stance on border security.

Throughout the session work were numerous inferences as to the target having some association with religion, specifically Christianity. The appreciable presence of such distinctly religious overtones likely indicate that such beliefs will play a significant role in the outcome of this presidential race. Perhaps further strengthening this contention is Viewer Three’s declaration of the importance of reproductive rights as it pertains to this target, as well as the relevance of the male-female divide. This is not to downplay or divert from the significant role of non-secular ideological alignment, also noted by viewers.

Whatever happens after the election, it is going to be historic; there was much said in the session work pointing toward this as being explosive. People on both sides are obviously going to be very energetic and emotional about this, and resistance to this incoming administration is expected to be off-the-charts.

Additionally, going well beyond the originally intended scope of this project, and markedly unexpected, was such strong indication of illness & death, supported by multiple viewers. Session results from Viewers Three and Four seem to be corroborative of an event that has not yet occurred, or is in the process of unfolding now; they appear to provide a ‘storyboard’ depicting the rather rapid onset of some terminal disease.

Presuming Viewer Three’s data points surrounding the candidate’s health are accurate, it appears this individual is currently undergoing some testing or treatment of some concern. This points toward a recognized, but potentially undiagnosed condition. Regardless the diagnostic status of this illness or disease, it remains private and undisclosed. Given the numerous known attempts on Donald Trump’s life to date, it is noteworthy that this viewer proclaimed some sense that this illness may have been purposefully induced, in some manner.

If Viewer Four’s results are to be taken at face value, it would appear that President Trump may not see his entire second term through - he may in fact die while in office. The timeline of this event is unclear, so it remains possible he will oversee the entirety of his second term, only to pass shortly thereafter, though we lean toward the former.

Viewer One comments that his session conveyed a palpable sense of finality upon the candidate achieving his goal, and the idea of disaster following his every move. It could be that if he achieves his goal here, if they win this contest or tournament, that means they are dead, again remarking on the likelihood of this person laying in repose.

Hence, it looks like we are describing a ‘before and after’ scenario, where the target person is alive at present, but wind up dead at some point after completing their current mission.

Original Art “Fall of President” by Nethervision via

In Summation

In the aggregate, it seems clear that our team of viewers are describing Donald J. Trump in response to the target query Next President of the United States.

One viewer summarizes: we’ve got a guy involved in some sort of a contest or tournament, and it seems that he wins that contest. The physical descriptors match Trump, the situations we’ve identified match Trump - especially Viewer Two’s session, it’s uncanny. So this guy gets shot at, wins, but he eventually gets sick and still ends up dead at some point. Wild times.

That does, indeed, sum things up.

Original Art “Japan Room” - by Fragalee at

Author’s Note

There is nothing quite like the feeling of a remote viewing project coming together - possibly only surpassed by the excitement in seeing a student experience their first (or tenth…) breakthrough moment. To wit: listening to a team of viewers explain their session results, while lacking complete context, to me as the project manager.

An amusing position to be in, compared to the still-blind team of viewers, who are, at this stage, just beginning to see the sum of the bits and pieces of the data points they perceived in-session. I knew what the work was saying, and suspected that momentarily, they would be in mutual agreement. My suspicion was validated as each viewer opened the email I’d just send, containing a copy of the targeting material. “Yep.” “Mmm hmm.” “Right, that makes sense.” “Got it…oh, I see…”

Of note, the betting markets began to reflect a Trump victory for the first time on the Monday following our project debrief, and the divergence has continued to grow since. This adds significant outside weight as to the likelihood of our work being correct. Of course, I have full confidence in our team of trained and experienced remote viewers, whatever the markets (or anyone else) may say.

In my opinion, this project serves as an excellent example of remote viewing put to task against a real-world problem set. Perhaps not quite as strong or clear results as our 2016 election prediction. (we did not run a prediction project in 2020) yet eminently decipherable. It is by no means a perfect tool, however, it gets the job done and when wielded by competent hands the results can be, frankly, impressive.

Of course, a project of this nature - while solving the problem it initially set out to - tends to highlight several new lines of inquiry with each new fact revealed - some of which may be worth of a dedicated research project of their own. In an ideal world, I would task viewers with further exploring each of these ideas, in order to flesh them out, providing finer detail and broader context.

Understandably, this forces us to be as efficient as possible in tasking and analysis. This can be a good thing, however some projects demand significantly more work to achieve an actionable level of detail. Remote viewing can be an intensive process, requiring a great deal of dedicated time and energy. In a word: specialized manpower.

It is our intent to utilize the specialized manpower available to us to its greatest potential, 1) to explore topics that we believe are of interest and / or importance, like the one we’ve just discussed, 2) to help advance the field of applied remote viewing through innovation and experimentation, for example The Astro-RV Project, (see link down below) a novel approach to improving predictive capabilities by leveraging mundane astrology - the astrology of world events, and 3) to report our findings the consideration of those who wish to indulge. Our remote viewing reports have always been, and always will be freely available, never behind a paywall. If you find our past work and future goals admirable, please consider helping us by making a donation here, if you are in a position to do so.

I would like to thank you once again for reading this report, and leave in hope that you have found its contents to be of interest and value.

PS - during project debrief, the team joked that these results would surely be received in a level-headed manner across the board. And so we made a secondary prediction, nothing to do with remote viewing, merely common sense: this news would not be well received in certain circles (cue accusations of racist, fascist, etc…). To see how we did with this prediction, look no further than our early announcement thread on the RV subreddit

-Morgan Farrell, October 2024

If you would like a PDF copy of our finalized report, you can download a copy here:

Next POTUS 2024 Final Draft With Authors Notes.pdf

If you would like to have a look at the aforementioned Astro RV Project, you can download a copy here:

The Astro-RV Project Part One - Improving Predictive Capabilities - V2.1 FINAL

Main Article Artwork: “Elected” by Lenocio at

The Kiwi Joe Show Podcast:

After we had a chance to get our analysis done, and stew over the final thoughts and conclusions from this project, We had an opportunity to sit down with The Kiwi Joe Show and have a short Podcast based on this prediction we are making derived from Remote Viewing data. We feel that it perhaps is best to go over the results in our own words and provide some examples of the actual visceral work.

If you would like to have a listen, we have embedded Kiwi Joe’s video’s here on the webpage. We urge you to have a look at his growing library of Remote Viewing based content. Feel free to like the videos, subscribe, and turn on notifications for his work on YouTube. All of the above do help us in getting this information out. We appreciate your help!

The Kiwi Joe Show Podcast on YouTube Channel

Part One

Part Two

Part Three


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