The Origin of Our Universe
By Michael Chung | May 2020
The origin of this universe is a topic that has long been a source of curiosity and intrigue, as well as an area where strongly held beliefs have led to endless arguments and debates about the topic. Many individuals reading this probably have their own beliefs on the matter. The two prevalent ideas in existence today would be that the universe had been created via some form of intelligent design or that there had been a “big bang” which resulted in the dispersion of matter roughly 13.8 billion years ago. Growing up as a child, I had often wondered about this topic. I would sit there at night, or even in the middle of the night when I could not sleep and just wonder what exactly led to the universe as I knew it. I had a very strong curiosity about wanting to know not only this, but the nature of everything around me. Eventually, this curiosity led me down the path of remote viewing where I finally had the tools and means to answer the question: “What was exactly the origin of the universe?”
Of course, I had some ideas when I was younger. I had been pretty confident about the big bang theory as there seemingly had been a lot of observations done about looking further and further back in time via telescopes, trying to get as close to that moment as possible. I would hear theories about the exact timelines about when subatomic particles were formed and how they then got dispersed. These same timelines led down the road to the formation of the first stars and eventually the universe as we know it today. It all seemed to make sense to me. When I got older, I had obtained this tool of remote viewing, I then looked back on all of this and really wondered if this was the whole truth. Is there more to the origin of this universe than just this “big bang theory”? It did not seem likely to me that the “intelligent design” idea was going to end up being the truth, but I just had to know. I wanted to know the whole truth about this issue, no matter what that truth might have been.
To this end, back in January-February 2013, I had led a group of five remote viewers to answer the previously stated question: “What is the origin of the universe?” The answers that came back not only shocked me, but many others as well. It seems that overall that there is not a simple answer for the origin to be either due to the big bang or to be due to intelligent design. Instead, remote viewing shows a very complex scenario where both seem responsible. The results from the project work focus upon three key areas to help answer this overall topic. The first area deals with a group of workers or technicians who seem to be working in a lab-like setting. The second area deals with a lifeform that is asleep and is inhabiting a box. The final area deals with a variety of energies that are occurring from this lab which seem to be having an effect on the environment. Overall, putting those three concepts together, there is a lab where some sort of experiment is being conducted with both a lifeform and the environment using electrical and nuclear energies as well as physical properties that results ultimately in the origin of this universe.
The Technicians
The area where these technicians work is described as a high-tech environment. Computers and robotics are stated to be at this location. The technicians are divided between two different areas. One area describes a desk area where a lone worker is at their computer, while the other area consists of an operations center which has several individuals who are observing the events as they are occurring.
The lone worker appears to have a hypothesis relating to the experiment at hand. This hypothesis is connected to a specific outdoors location. This individual is sitting here at their workstation thinking about doing something totally new and groundbreaking. This involves the 3-D modelling of space-time. They also appear to be working on some sort of recipe here. This recipe may have something to do with a silver box that is present nearby. This box is some sort of oven and this recipe seems to be a part of what goes inside it. Some hints that their work has something to do with evolution or some type of genealogy came through in the results, but these ideas were not explored further. The computer that this lone worker is interfacing with has several functions in this experiment. The computer monitors and observes changes that are occurring. The computer also is involved with making calculations and timing certain events.
The other group of technicians are present primarily to observe and oversee the task at hand. They seem to be in some type of operations center with a window that they can use to view the process. A radio and speaker also exist here so that they can be informed about what is occurring. These technicians seem to be quite determined to succeed in their pursuits. Some of them view this as the “last chance to get it to work” and that this is a “better system”. These technicians seem so determined here, that their handling of this experiment may suffer as a result. Some of the viewers noted that these technicians were mostly smug, “above the law” or that they were a “ne’er do well” army. However, it should be noted that these descriptions do not apply to all of the technicians, that a small minority do oppose these perspectives. They also seem to be involved in something that is unwarranted. To this end, part of the experiment at the laboratory has something to do with a weapon of some sorts. It also seems these technicians may have to answer to an unnamed authority figure.
The Sleeping Lifeform
This lifeform is lying dormant inside the aforementioned silver box. It is like they are frozen and are totally unaware of what is going on around them. Even though this lifeform is asleep, in some manner they are in deep thought. This lifeform is learning and gathering data while being in this state. It appears that the way this occurs involves the lifeform plugging into an apparatus inside the box. They are then able to interact with the box and obtain lessons for them. In addition, as mentioned previously, this box is some sort of oven where this lifeform and other materials are being cooked in some way. However, the exact nature of what is being cooked or in what manner this occurs is unclear at this time. Some aspect involving replication of this lifeform is noted here, but the particular nature of that is also unclear at this time.
The physical characteristics of this lifeform are not exactly human. One viewer calls it some sort of blob or something that is like a roly-poly. It is bioluminescent as well. It is noted that it has a brain. This lifeform also is blind. Another viewer puts this lifeform as something that is a bit more humanoid in resemblance. Visually, it seems to have a long oval head with large dark eyes. It also appears to have arms and the body frame like a human.
The lifeform appears to be connected to the apparatus in the box via its senses. This allows the lifeform to undergo its lessons. This lifeform is seen to be on some sort of expedition by doing this. The method for going on this expedition does not appear to be one that involves the direct physical contact or presence of the lifeform. This apparatus allows for sensory input from the lifeform where it remains at one stationary location, while it is implied that at another end, sensory input from that location can be fed back into the lifeform. This sensory feedback implies some aspect of this lifeform goes through the tunnel, but not necessarily its physical body. When this connection is made, this lifeform is taken through the apparatus where they engage and traverse a tunnel in a very swift manner. As a result of entering this tunnel, this lifeform is guided towards a lifetime where they are there, but not really there. The details in the difference between the lifeform’s true body and whatever form this lifeform takes on the other end are unknown in the session work.
The Various Energies and Their Effects on the Environment
From somewhere in the lab, pipes exist that are filled with gas particles and chemicals. These substances eventually are the basis for some type of explosive reaction. Behind this reaction is some type of recursive computer function that requires notable capabilities of the hardware. This function acts like “CMOS” does on typical modern computers where in this particular case, it is alluding to how it does read and write functions. This reaction involves combustion occurring in a spinning vast place. The components of gas and chemicals seem to have been set up in a very deliberate way here in order for this reaction to have occurred in a sequential manner. The effect of this leads to a blast zone that involves rapid expansion. The subsequent areas contain massive energy fields where more energy is starting to emanate. This comes across in being bright and luminescent. Some high frequency vibrations are being noted at the site as well. In addition, an analogy one viewer used to describe this process was that it is like a “step-up transformer”. Many spherical spinning things filled with hydrogen are being involved in fusion here. These are emitting some type of matter here that could be construed as the “building blocks of the universe” according to one viewer. This all involves some type of cosmic process.
Some of the emissions from this reaction are electrical in nature. These electrical emissions act like capacitors with a noted electrical discharge. This discharge is associated with some type of wavelength that is expanding. This wavelength is labelled in the remote viewing results as acting like a “travelling wave tube”. This “travelling wave tube” is named so due to the project work stating that it is some sort of tunnel that allows movement of the lifeforms in the box mentioned previously to travel through. The session work makes a very strong point that this box is able to conduct electricity. The session data is implying that the box itself is sending out an electrical discharge through this tube/tunnel. Connected with this electrical discharge in terms of how the energy is being distributed is the idea there is a carrier signal. This carrier signal is actually what is transported from the box across the tunnel/wave tube. The lifeform and the box are still in the laboratory, while the signal is what transports energy/information across the distances. This signal then seems to interact with the environment and surroundings once it does arrive at its destination.
The environment this carrier signal and other reactive effects respond to seems to be a mystery. It is noted across the session work that there is a location that is outdoors and it is filled with natural features. This includes things like soil, vegetation, as well as natural terrain such as mountains. This appears to be a particular planet that may be rotting somehow. It is not known what planet this might be or what led this planet to the conditions to where it was rotting. At some point, the carrier signal is transported to this location after some type of work is done at the site. An analogy one viewer uses about this signal is that it acts like a hypodermic needle into the land and environment. This analogy was made as a way of explaining the interaction that the information from the carrier signal seems to have upon the environment. Something from this signal is transferred, or given the analogy, injected into the land. The results of this hint at some type of emergent societal phenomena, but this point was not fully explored at the time. It is also stated that this is done by some type of software design that has certain additive and commutative properties. This software as well as the effects here upon the environment represent a microcosm of reality.
A hint may be present that various signals are being sent to multiple regions across the universe in order to have the effects as mentioned above. This means that multiple planets could possibly have been affected here and the session work is just showing the effect upon one planet. It should also be noted that it is unclear if this planet exists in time before or after the explosive reaction that occurs in the session work. It seems likely that at least the planet mentioned here existed before the reaction as the carrier signal had some type of transformative effect upon the environment. This idea is backed up in the session work where it indicates that part of the technician’s hypothesis concerns this particular location. It also is noted that during the experiment in the lab, the planet is being noted at that time to be rotting. It also is stated that something is going to happen there. This also is when the ideas that a “better system” is being created for a “last chance to get it to work”. These ideas seem to imply there had been previous attempts or answers on the experiment at hand, and also imply that they had failed. In either case, two theories can be derived from the session work. The first is that the explosive reaction created all matter in the universe, including the planet mentioned here. The second is that the planet existed before this reaction, while more matter was being created and this planet was merely transformed during this process in some manner.
What exactly is this experiment entailing? What is its scope? The idea of transporting lifeforms, or at least a part of them is tied into the origin of the universe for some reason. What exactly is being transported? Some might expect this to be what may be known as a “soul”. Others might say that this could be some form of a virtual identity or an avatar for one’s true self. In either case, some aspect of a lifeform is being sent to a seemingly actual physical location. The evidence for this being a physical reality, as opposed to a virtual one, is quite strong in the session work. Multiple viewers relate to an actual planet or some sort of natural environment with mountains and vegetation. Multiple viewers as well describe cosmic and nuclear processes that relate to fusion reactions, which in turn could be taken to be what modern science would refer to as part of the “big bang”. From this “big bang”, matter is described in the work as emerging where it becomes the “building blocks of the universe”.
There is more to the origin that just a seemingly random event known as the “big bang”. As described in the work, technicians in a laboratory setting are behind that reaction as well as the subsequent transporting of individuals to specified locations. The usage of computers and their intricate computational processes play a big role in setting up this whole experiment. It appears the individuals who get transported are partaking in order to be learning some specific lessons as a result. It is not precisely known from the project what the goals of the technicians are, or to what extent they may share this goal of helping the individuals learn their lessons. The work does indicate these individuals may have some ulterior motives. These technicians are presented as being “above the law” and motivated more to the idea that some sort of weapon could be fashioned here, as opposed to assisting the lifeforms with their growth.
Many questions arise after this work. In addition to the unknown motives of the technicians, just who exactly are they? Where is this laboratory where all this work is being done? If it exists before the big bang, then is it even in this universe? Who is the lifeform that is inside the box that is being transported to some unknown planet? What were they doing before this process? Are they what humanity’s true form may be? At least one viewer believes the remote viewing work is confirming that humanity is living inside a simulated reality, but is this true? While these questions warrant further work, the basic scope of this remote viewing work was strictly to find out the origin of the universe, and that part hopefully has been answered here.
Main article artwork: The Big Bang by Facundo Diaz (Deviantart.com)
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