The End of Woke

by Morgan Farrell | February 2022


 It is our assessment that western culture, as broadly defined through evolution and revolution going back some 800 years, finds itself again at a crossroads.  As such, we have elected to adjust our focus with near exclusivity to collecting and disseminating actionable intelligence in an attempt to assist ourselves, our families, and the general public in understanding where we are, and where we are headed, and in navigating these tumultuous times.


This project was designed as an objective fact-finding mission, a means of “looking ahead” in time at the changing landscape of western culture*. Conversely, one could equally regard this report as an historical perspective, conveniently made available early.

Specifically, we set out to determine the single most significant cultural change to occur in the United States within fifteen months of the project’s commission. Work began in late December, 2021, effectively enveloping a time-frame running through late March, 2023.


*Note: in an attempt to limit the scope of this project to be more easily manageable, we chose to focus our attention specifically on the United States of America. In this case, we regard the USA as a proxy for the west at large; by its very nature, US culture tends to act as the de facto leader in this regard.

Photo by James Langley @




This study was conducted by a team of highly trained and experienced (military-grade) professional remote viewers and students using the Technical Remote Viewing (TRV) method.  TRV is a scientifically-developed, military intelligence-derived data collection tool. It is a teachable and repeatable method of acquiring accurate and objective information about any subject, in a procedural manner, using one’s mental faculties alone - in short, a specific and proven form of psychic functioning. Note that in spite of its formal title, RV-generated data is not strictly confined to that which is visually detectable, but virtually any perceivable concept.

In any given situation, a trained remote viewer has the capability to describe accurately the solution to even the most technical problem sets. However the manner in which they do so, via descriptive language and diagrammatic sketching, is (generally) limited in its expression to work within a viewer’s own individual vocabulary and frame-of-reference. As such, a remote viewer working against a target outside of their own extended knowledge base will typically resort to the use of layman’s terminology, or on occasion, even analogy and metaphor as a means of “translating” the raw data perceived by the viewer while in-session. Regardless, a trained and experienced remote viewer will reliably produce easily understandable and accurate information pertaining to their intended target.

Standard blind protocol* was strictly adhered to throughout the entirety of the project by all remote viewers. Each participant was independently provided solely with a set of target reference numbers (TRNs) assigned to the project by the project manager (PM), and were instructed to complete and submit one TRV session. For additional detail, one round of follow-on tasking was assigned by the PM. All participants and the PM met for a round table discussion and presentation of the RV-generated data, where preliminary conclusions were drawn while still operating under blind conditions. At this time, the target was revealed to the participants, followed by final data analysis.

This project was conducted as a means of predictive intelligence**, using specific tasking language. The data collection period for this project was mid-late December 2021, and the target range runs through approximately Q1, 2023.

 *Note: blind protocol requires that the project participants (remote viewers) remain unaware of the nature of their target until all RV session work and preliminary data analysis are complete. A given target can be virtually anything that can be sketched and described linguistically - a person, place, thing, event, or even an abstract concept, such as a thought or idea, at any time in the past, present, or future.  

**Note: predictive intelligence refers to a project or target designed to forecast a future event and / or the impact-outcome of an event, in this case, the most significant cultural change to occur in the US in the near- to mid-term future (approximately Q1 2022 through Q1 2023).


If our results are correct, it appears as though the prevalence of so-called far-left / progressive, or politically correct (equity-based) language - often colloquially referred to as woke-ness in the mainstream will all but disappear in sudden fashion, at some point in time prior to the end of Q1 2023. This is the result of a directed initiative to shift the narrative away from certain divisive issues on behalf of the political, or controller class.


Session results were extremely clear and concise in describing an upcoming scenario wherein the cultural landscape of the United States is purposely nudged from its current trajectory. This is achieved by means of the mainstream media’s psychological and behavioral manipulation of the general public on behalf of the political, or controller class: a tactic commonly known as social engineering. In short, an easily identifiable and relatable (read: marketable) theme is artificially injected into social discourse. Typically, the theme will center around some actual or perceived grievance on behalf of a marginalized individual or group. The proposed solution to said grievance is inevitably the promise of blanket equitable treatment - in exchange for a vote, or other form of loyalty or subservience.

In this case, repeated reference during the data collection phase of this project was made to the general concept of woke-ness, or the permeation of equity-based language throughout mainstream American culture. Session data describes the source of this permeation as having been artificially injected and amplified in the public discourse in a concerted effort. This rhetoric is part of a particularly manicured narrative, action plan, or program. In practical terms: a propaganda campaign framed as a modern-day civil rights movement. 

At some point in time, the perception of and reaction to this type of “hot button” rhetoric by the general public falls below a certain tolerance threshold, becoming ineffective as a means of control. It will no longer resonate with a large enough segment of the population to be of any further practical use. In fact, by way of momentum, the somewhat shortsighted over-extension of this narrative will cause some degree of blow-back damage to the establishment figures who have until now reaped what benefits the agenda has offered.

At such a time, we will witness the complete elimination of any rhetoric in the mainstream related to this current and ongoing program. It appears, as though in coordinated fashion, the narrative is simply retired from service: it is no longer promoted, discussed, or even tolerated; for all intents and purposes, it is memory-holed.

This is considered a major blow to those behind its proliferation, as the program has been a resounding success until now. The woke agenda has maintained a captive and distracted audience representing a significant percentage of the voting public. Any fragmenting of this makeshift coalition will considerably weaken the grip of its organizers, hence the scuttling of the program. The serious nature of this campaign was reiterated numerous times throughout our RV-generated data set. The term silent weapons for quiet wars* was referenced, signifying the intent to achieve militaristic goals without resorting to armed conflict.

Further session work also provides us with some indications as to the nature of this fragmentation. Data indicates that this occurs as a result of widespread individual discovery of the truth. This has been an ongoing process of self-education with the aid of modern information tools and technologies: The Internet. Also noted is the importance of word-of-mouth, in-person conversations.

Though this is a decidedly personal and individual process, it is described as being an applicable theme to the life path, or trajectory of a collective of people. This represents the “breaking-off” of a certain segment of society.


*Note: this term does not allude to the so-titled (purported) military operations manual, but to the more general concepts of psychological operations, information warfare. 

Conclusions, Extrapolations and Projections:

By way of project design, the targeted region and demography encompasses the entirety of the population of the geographic United States. Therefore, one can reliably infer wider cultural impact throughout western society, as the US’ position as the sole western global superpower tends to result in a ripple-out effect as trends and attitudes change.

Reading between the lines, it can also be inferred with reasonable certitude that the greater leftist-progressive push that has largely defined the last decade has been extensively manipulated (if not outright created) by the political class as a means of controlling the behavior of a segment of the population. Examples of the proliferation of such progressive themes and memes can be seen throughout the mainstream news media and popular culture going back (arguably) a decade or more. We expect the transition away from the woke agenda to be both subtle, yet abrupt; it may not be immediately apparent. It may prove interesting to monitor financial trends as they relate to the woke agenda, as money often serves as a visible proxy for power and control.

Some candidates* of the predominantly equity-based narratives likely to disappear include, for example (and in no particular order): Black Lives Matter (BLM), Critical Race Theory (CRT), racial . cultural diversity and inclusion “quotas”, the transgender / LGBT movement, the “gender pay gap” and other workplace inequities, etc.. It seems likely that certain specific events or instances will receive some amount of news coverage as they occur, but will as quickly vanish into the annals of history in favor of a more effective strategy.

The obvious question in light of such results is: what exactly replaces this language of equity? Certainly if the decision to halt this particular program is an intentional and directed one, then the message, or narrative, must be replaced. After all, nature abhors a void, and those who seek to control a population are dutifully aware of this reality: the use of wedge-issues to inform public sentiment is far from a novel concept.

It stands to reason that the establishment is presently aware of their weakening grasp over the minds and intellects of their constituents. This would account for the blatantly apparent crackdown on and marginalization of independent media outlets in recent years, and the general censorship of lawfully protected free speech, which seems to be reaching a fever pitch.

Some likely candidates** for a replacement narrative, or narratives, include, but are not limited to (and in no particular order): the anthropogenic climate change agenda, domestic and international supply chain (and other economic) issues, COVID and COVID-related public health issues, global conflict particularly in Asia and the east. To wit: tensions have flared dramatically between Russia and the Ukraine since the initiation of this project.

Finally, we project a notable increase in skepticism toward establishment-promoted agendas beyond the subject matter of this report, a reactionary loss of trust. Perhaps not unjustified in this case. In response, one might expect continued or even increased censorship, and a more generalized crackdown on free speech via The Internet.


*Note: this report makes no claims as to the legitimacy or illegitimacy of any specific progressive issues or grievances (personal, political, or otherwise). We do however contend that many such issues have been hijacked by political interests for their own ends: less a grand conspiracy than mere opportunism guiding the naive and well intentioned public with a dash of conspiracy.  

**Note: we will have further information related to some of these (and other) expedient issues available for public release pending project completion.  


 Broadly speaking, it may be considered advisable to observe any emerging or expanding narrative in the mainstream media / political sphere with a discerning eye, more now than ever. Critical thinking skills are timeless and invaluable, and seeking out viewpoints counter to the popular opinion, or counter to one’s own ingrained sensibilities serve as a worthy thought exercise. It is up to each individual to find and maintain their own orientation toward the truth. 

Photo by Sergey Zolkin @


Author’s Notes: 

Bear in mind that this report does not explore in any detail precisely who is referred to as being behind the proliferation of the woke agenda. It is also important to remember that as such, we do not make any allegations of contrivance against any specific individual or entity. Such is far beyond the defined scope of this project. Ultimately, this is less important than the fact that the narrative has been identified and is failing in its intended manipulation of the masses. However, with some discernment and recollection of recent history, one can probably infer with relative ease who is leading and who has been lead.

Further, one would expect social trends to wax and wane naturally, to some extent, even if left in their unmolested grassroots form. This is to say that in its current manifestation, the progressive agenda has likely overstayed its welcome, and in standard cyclical form, it will soon enter a “low tide” phase. This cycle seems to have been exacerbated by the meddling hand of politicos, their controllers, and their lackeys, presumably resulting in an…equitable…and rapid reversal of the political pendulum.


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