The Origin of The Urantia Book

by Jeff Coley | March 2021

                Starting in the 1920's, a series of papers was written and eventually organized into a collection known as The Urantia Book.  However, this book is quite different than most.  Rather than having a human author, it is alleged to have been given to mankind from non-human, celestial sources.  The material was said to have been 'transmitted' to a certain person who received it while asleep in a trance.  This person, or 'channeler', spoke aloud the material which was then written down by others present in the room. 

 "The Urantia Book, first published by Urantia Foundation in 1955, presents us with the origin, history, and destiny of humanity. It answers questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and it includes an uplifting narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus.

The Urantia Book portrays our relationship with God the Father. All human beings are the sons and daughters of a loving God and therefore brothers and sisters in the family of God. The book provides new spiritual truth for modern men and women and a pathway to a personal relationship with God.

Building on the world's religious heritage, The Urantia Book describes an endless destiny for humankind, teaching that living faith is the key to personal spiritual progress and eternal survival. It also describes God’s plan for the progressive evolution of individuals, human society, and the universe as a whole.

Many people around the world have said that reading The Urantia Book has profoundly inspired them to reach deeper levels of spiritual growth. It has given them new meaning to life and the desire to be of service to humanity."

This is certainly not the first or only writing to claim to have a divine source.  It is believed by many who profess faith in God that throughout history, God and his angels (agents-messengers) contact humanity from time to time through divine revelation, sometimes dramatically influencing the course of events.  Sometimes this contact occurs from a visitation and direct interaction with an angel or spirit.  Other times, it is from the vision of a prophet or seer.  Most different faiths have their own history of prophets who were believed to be in communication with the divine.  The Bible also speaks of the existence of spirits, their influence, and the importance of testing such spirits as to their intentions.  Most of the writings and prophecies of ancient times that have survived to this day in written form can be attributed to highly disciplined and painstaking efforts to record and preserve the message as close to its original form as possible.  The more significant and powerful the message, the greater the effort to preserve it for all generations.  A study of ancient prophecies will reveal various times throughout history when significant events were heralded by a prophetic statement or writing. 

A differing method of contact known as "channeling" has become more well-known in modern times.  Channeling essentially is allowing information to flow through one's self, as if they are a conduit.  In this case, the information is understood to be coming from a higher intelligence.  The channeler relaxes, sometimes enters a trance or sleep, at which point they allow this higher intelligence to make use of their faculties to download and deliver a message, which is then spoken or transcribed. 

Arguably, the most famous trance-channeler of the modern day was Edgar Cayce.  He was known as "the sleeping prophet", in that he was asleep when he spoke his revelations and had no conscious memory of what he had said.  Most of his channelings were meticulously recorded for posterity.  He had a reputation for giving information that turned out to be correct.  It is said that he helped many people from all walks of life.  Cayce was doing his work around the same time that The Urantia Book was being received. 

One discovers when reading through this book, that quite a lot of thought has been put into it.  The material was channeled in English, as that was the most common language in the world at the time the book was transmitted.  It reads at a very high level, and features a superior writing style and sentence/idea structure.  Whoever the authors were, it seems they possessed an amazing mastery of the English language.

Remote Viewing Project

It was decided that technical remote viewing would be employed to shed some light on the origin of this book.  Were this book and its ideas completely made-up by some deceptive humans?  Or does the material actually have a non-human source?  Remote viewing, especially when done as a group, is perfect for digging through all the rumors, mistruths, and assumptions associated with the book's origin, and also provides a 'look' at the real key elements that were actually involved.   The project cue was written down simply but directly as The Urantia Book/origin, and then assigned a set of random target reference numbers (TRN's) which were then given to a total of four professional-level remote viewers, as a blind target. 

Often when the answer to a question is complex, it will be broken down into different scenarios appearing among the viewers’ session results.  The different scenarios then must be understood relationally to see how they fit together and combine to form the answer.  This project was no exception.  Each viewer seems to have locked-on to a different key element of the answer, with some overlapping data points which help to put it all together. 

Project Results

Viewer 1:  This describes an internal process of seeking a prize, an object of worship that turns out to be something found within, by passion and determination.  This process is an uphill climb to a certain tier that involves a combination of investigating by process of elimination and gentle nudging. 


Viewer 2:  This viewer sketched and described a  'spiritual presence' basically formed of coherent energy that patrols a cave system of underground tunnels.  This hooded, levitating 'wizard-like' form lives in the cave system, willingly placed there to watch over and be a 'Guardian of the Gates'.  This cave system is ancient; remnants of a bygone era and cataclysm-catastrophe which simultaneously brought the 'spiritual presence' and cave system into their current, relational state of existence.  Associated with, and coming from this form, is some kind of 'out-flowing' of a misty, water vapor mixed with a kind of atomic or quantum level stuff that is described as energetic, controlling, coordinating and relates to the concept of seed.  There are feelings of fear and respect here, like one might have at a 'mystical cave' as described in various legends throughout history.


Viewer 3:  This session seems to be somewhat metaphorical in nature.  A distressed individual (an entity/person/identity) vacationing in solitude finds themselves 'trapped' in a location that seems to be between dimensions, worlds or planes of existence.  The situation is similar to having one's car breaking down, or being stranded on a desert island.  The person is all alone, treading water, trying to stay afloat in an ocean and trying to figure out how to solve their dilemma by searching for 'any port in the storm'.  Rescue isn't coming, at least as far as they know.  However, something puzzling is being relayed here, the scope and breadth of which is unknown.  There is a 'messaging blip' that is very exalting in nature, which gives the stranded individual some motivation.

This 'place' in which they find themselves stranded is a 'galactic neighborhood' in a state of governmental absence and collapsing environments.  The uniqueness of this environment seems to be related to the reason for the Urantia Book's introduction to our world.  Our world and 'galactic neighborhood' are filled with strife.  It's as if oxygen (or perhaps generally what we require to live and breath) is being bought and sold in a 'slave trade' scenario, where the products being sold are used, depleted and grossly neglected.  It seems the very basic resources we need to survive are being monetized.

Related to this stranded individual, or 'castaway', and the exalted, relayed message, is an intelligent, autonomous object similar to a rowboat or a cargo vessel that is searching for a person.  This 'vessel' somehow maneuvers through a barrier between worlds and suggests a very majestic 'policy' for development.  This is likely the exalted message that motivates the stranded individual, who is questioning the nature and mechanics of the universe around them.  This session could be interpreted as a rescue ship searching for a lost person, while sending them an exalted, vast and puzzling message of hope and guidance.


Viewer 4:  This session describes a scenario where there exists a blight; a scattered, tangled mess of pustules of an an infected toxin.  The pustules seem to be signaling for oxygen and 'dietary needs'.  This could be interpreted as a disease calling out for treatment. 

Related to this signaling, and perhaps in answer to the blight, is a communication.  This communication is similar to a telepathic broadcast.  The broadcast seems to be coming from a facility that is related to the concept of being seeded.  This facility is a large network of vibrant, opulent buildings linked together by a vast network of subterranean tunnels.  Judgement and discernment are imposed from this place.

The 'telepathic' communication broadcast is forecasting a prediction of an arrival of something in transit.  In fact, part of the message seems to state "We are here".  Seeing that the Urantia Book was 'received' between 1924 and 1955, the aforementioned arrival may have already taken place since then.  The communication brings illumination, which, in turn, casts doubt and leads to an overthrow, almost like a revolution brought about by civilians when they find out the truth about their oppressive, corrupt government. 

The communication comes from the facility, as well as a certain bright and uniquely qualified, happy and joyous person.  There is a sort of oneness-of-mind at this facility; focused concentration on a singular goal of conflict resolution and inner turmoil.  The qualified person is a small piece of a greater whole; a representative of a group that is influencing something for what they deem to be a benevolent 'greater good'. 

The forecasted/predicted arrival has to do with guardians, or 'gods' of the past.  They are descending upon a vast empire and putting an immediate stop to the momentum and friction within the civilization.  These guardians are the "we" who were mentioned earlier in the "we are here" part of the 'telepathic' broadcast.  They seem to be encircling the planet as peaceful, observing overseers.  They are very wise and are likened to a brigade or cavalry.  These guardians have malcontent for the widespread, toxic blight that the viewer feels is likely most of humanity and/or its evil-inclined mind and actions. 

There is a vast 'disconnect' between the blight and the guardians.  It's very similar to the anger, distrust, alienation and estrangement that develops between an abandoned or neglected child and their long-lost father.  The arrival of these guardians and this communication brings condemnation and may ultimately lead to a form of catastrophic judgement and the elimination of sorrows and conquering of planetary woes.  This scenario is reminiscent of great judgements and cataclysms mentioned in the Bible, such as the great flood or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. 


Combining the data from the four sessions, we come to the following understanding of the situations and reasons for the manifestation of The Urantia Book:  A person finds themselves seemingly tossed into an existence where their purpose, location and destination are uncertain.  This is because, unbeknownst to them, their spot in the universe seems to be in a state of anarchy; without apparent leadership, guidance, or easily available resources.  The person is searching to understand their situation, searching for hope, for guidance, searching for anything that makes them feel less like a castaway in this world.  However, someone behind the scenes is searching for them; someone from another dimension.  Rescue is on its way.  The rescue occurs in the form of an exalting and uplifting message of hope and guidance that is 'seeded' into our civilization by way of a 'telepathic broadcast' enabled from the combined efforts of 'ghostly', 'wizardly' figures and ancient, benevolent, planetary guardians who operate from underground tunnels with opulent buildings.  In addition to guidance, the message also announces future arrivals and the eventual dismantling of oppressive planetary government(s).  There is hope.

Now, how do these results compare to The Urantia Book's stated origins and purpose?  Do they match up?  Or have we been taken for some kind of ride?  This, and more, will be discussed in part 2, soon to come!


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