The Underground Has Launched.

By Daniel Mann | April 2020

This website is the culmination of nine years of hard work, more than two hundred discreet projects, and over forty thousand combined pages of remote viewing work. After realizing the enormity of the combined picture painted by this extensive work, the Intuitive Underground team has resolved to begin publishing our combined works of collected information to the public at large. We feel that this information concerns the fate of humankind, as well as the world at large. This collective knowledge helps us to discern the scope of our hidden, unseen oppression. We feel this information illuminates and demonstrates our beginnings as well as help to elucidate the collective path mankind currently navigates. This knowledge also helps us to define humanity’s current condition. After coming to a consensus derived from our remote viewing data, our reality is not what we believe it to be. We bring our remote viewing talents, personal resources, and collective drive to this web endeavor to make sure that the information we have worked so hard to obtain is available for those who seek it. We believe that we can make a difference, and help tip the scales of our collective fate to change it for the better.

The Intuitive Underground as a group believes that civilization is at a perpetual crossroads, a nexus point where we as a species can collectively choose to continue on wandering, or go back. This road has led us to perpetually search for solutions to our evolution, externally. Ours is a road plagued with corruption, immorality, self-mutilation, and decay. Mainstream science’s current work towards Artificial Intelligence, advanced robotics, trans-humanism and the eventuality of merging man with machines would have us believe that being plainly human isn’t good enough. Existing as a living multi-trillion cell organism with many, many yet to be understood abilities is just not good enough, even by the sciences that pretend to know what is best. This is also a time where modern western medicine would have us remove, cut out, tuck, trim, boost, tighten, or implant in order to reach out towards some form of distorted perfection. We find they consistently try to solve a problem by alleviating its symptoms, yet fail to understand nor alleviate their root causes. Science perpetually looks to cure humanity’s ailments in a reactionary way and do not address its underlying problems. We collectively are still looking elsewhere: a paradigm in which our problem’s answer is perpetually outside of us. Humankind is looking for solutions but has failed to look in the mirror, nor inside itself. We here at Intuitive Underground believe that the answers to our collective problems are to be found internally.

We find ourselves in a time of great upheaval. Never before in our recorded history have we ever been so at war with ourselves. There are very few epochs in our history where one can point that can compare to the times we live in. The emotional strife, the struggle for economic survival, and the presence of pronounced and advanced technologies available today dwarf any of our past novelties in scope and severity. The sheer availability of information alone is enough to confound humanity for millennia in efforts to discern its own personal truth. A sensory and emotional overload paradigm pervades Western civilization today. We see this in our political landscape, our socioeconomic blocks, our individual identities, and even in our very own homes. The difficulty we have determining what our individual and collective realities are being so palpable that even in this very day one can begin to question if our world is even round. It appears that humanity has become disconnected, sickened, schizophrenic, deficient of attention, and lacks individual awareness. It is apparent that never have we had such confusion. No matter what side of the political argument you are on, no one is content nor certain which way civilization should turn. Confusion and repression pervade us. We keep pushing onward and forward for the sake of progress, yet we have not paid much attention to what we have been building; nor what we have built our future upon. The foundation of Western civilization is eroding. The lack of a cohesive relationship with our fellow human beings and our constant conflict with each other has left us: lost, blind, and without direction. We lumber down this road of self-destruction.

We believe that now is the time for humanity to stop and take account of who we are, and to search for the best path forward; one which leads us to internal and external resolution. Intuitive Underground believes that ultimately the ascension of mankind into the next millennia of peace, prosperity, and expansion among the stars continues by looking inward. We believe that humanity should seek internally for answers, look within for understanding, and find an inner focus for real-world problem set solutions. Undoubtedly, there are answers within for everything that ails our civilization. Mankind collectively needs to look inside of itself and work with what it finds there. If we can work therein with honesty and integrity, only then can we begin to find the appropriate path forward.

Kronos at Mars II by Maciej Rebisz (

Over the course of our remote viewing experience, never has it been more clear to us that there is something missing from our story. In the bigger picture for humanity: How did we get here? Why did we stray so far off the correct path? Where do we come from? Is all of this real? What does it mean to be Human? Why is life like this? These are some of the questions we sought to answer with remote viewing.

At an individual level, we all have our crosses to bear, and our lives to live. We all have to live with our daily struggles: to keep pushing forward towards a better, and brighter future. We all have our interests and masters to serve. Everyone has their realities to deal with in their lives. Everyone keeps fighting their fight for their own reasons: future, family, kids, careers, money, survival, and so forth.  We all live for one reason or another. We all fight for one reason or another. Yet, we all experience the same limitation and the same daily struggle. It appears that is a part of what it means to be human: struggle, strife, suffrage, life’s daily challenges, and why we must put up with them.

Just like any of you, we also deal with this struggle. It infects our lives as much as the next person. We have our collective information compiled from our work over the last several years, and it helps us to understand why humanity has suffered this encompassing struggle. It is this daily affliction that we choose to fight, and this website is how we choose to go about contesting it, for everyone’s gain. We have compiled this website in defiance of our mutual struggle by empowering the human consciousness. We aim to do this in many ways. Primarily, we will do this by dispersing the information we have gathered. We don’t really care about how the information gets out, just that it gets to where it needs to go. That’s why we’re here, and we hope by the end of our run: you will understand why.


-The Intuitive Underground Team


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