What Should One Expect…

by Daniel Mann | March 2025

“The greatest obstacle to living is expectation, which depends on tomorrow and wastes today”

- Seneca -

The Current RV Landscape:

Since the days of working together in a former Remote Viewing Collective, The State of Reality, our primary motivational goal was and is to get our most important revelatory information out and available to those who may seek it. As much as we would like to make this Remote Viewing venture a full-time profession: we have to be honest with ourselves and submit a brief synopsis of who, what, and where we are currently.

The overarching business model associated with Remote Viewing has never truly been a profitable one. We find that it lives as a hobby or an interest that requires tremendous amounts of time, energy, and work. If one takes this skill out to the world in an attempt to make a living with it: one finds an incredibly steep mountain to climb. Additionally, they would be greeted by those who do not understand, do not wish to understand, and feel threatened by it’s presence. For if allowed to exist in the mainstream by the powers that be, it would expedite a world without secrets, and there are many who make a very good living based on secrets and suppression of information.

There are RV groups that work the investment angle of Forex Markets, Crypto Currency Markets, Stock and ETF/Mutual Fund Markets. However, most interestingly, certain internal aspects of Remote Viewing can and will become an issue. The problem lies in the relationship between an individual’s unconscious and money. This relationship can be a detrimental barrier between Remote Viewers and business success through their skill’s progression, or rather their stagnation or regression. In spite of these difficulties and internal barriers, they do exist. Their level of success is yet to be determined.

Additionally, There are those who selflessly try to push this skill of perception out into the public awareness, and out in front of the mindless masses. These people are few and far in between. Would be objective observers are very few in number, let alone are unable to aid these collective innovators in their ascent up a steep mountain of opposition. The few aware witnesses may find that they see the value in what this skill provides: source information, spiritual evolution, and personal discernment; However, most will not understand, likely be afraid of it, and then mock it.

There also appears to be a model that exists to be modestly profitable. The training of newcomers in the art of Remote Viewing. Seminars, Classes, Symposiums, and Radio/Television shows appear to be the most profitable and effective of the few Remote Viewing Business Models. There are groups that are pushing this model in attempts to show the power of this skill in varying small sectors of the internet. We are not sure how effective they are at achieving their goals. Yet, they are there: fighting the good fight.

There also have been examples in the past of Remote Viewers working collectively on governmental and corporate contracts: mostly in the field of research and development. As attractive as this aspect is, we have not pushed into this area in business. I believe it to be the most likely next step for Remote Viewing in the short term future. We feel that this era is approaching rapidly. Our particular Remote Viewing Collective is near being able to ascend to such endeavors. Although our collection of data is gaining more viewers and website visitors every day, we are not sure that we would like to be in any of the aforementioned spotlights. They have their varying pitfalls and can come at great personal expense.

Remote Viewing dismantles many personal, spiritual, and global paradigms. This shift in awareness hits most people in the core of their traumatized being. People do not like to be forcefully awakened. Much like the five a.m. alarm clock: most people would rather hit the snooze button. Most people are asleep and do not like to be woken up. Society does not like to see their boat rocking, and will do whatever need be done to prevent from being unsettled. They get angry, they get forceful, exasperated, and are quite irritated when they are forced to wake up. As an old saying goes: Those who are forced to see against their will are of the same opinion still.

What this Remote Viewing Collective is not

All too often, there are those who would start out their business venture with altruistic intentions, as well as those who would do without such lofty goals from their onset. We find that over time, usually the latter, their information winds up behind a paywall and their individual Ego finds itself out front. I do not begrudge someone from attempting to make a living off of their efforts. This skill takes time, money, and vast effort.

There are many examples of these ‘influencer’ Egos in the recent past. This usually manifests in half shaded face photographs of these media ‘personalities’. Generally, you’ll see a face out in front. In the past, there was imagery of the typical iconic eye or other spooky archetypes, and shaded pictures of them in dark relief. They also find their way into interviews that use the letter ‘I’ in excess. They build a brand based on themselves instead of what they do or produce. They sell a product of the Ego or of themselves in attempts at fame and fortune. They make up fantastical stories and why they’re special or different from the field.

We see these people out on the internet selling memberships, seats at conferences and profess to be ‘awake’ and ‘aware’. Cults of personality eventually develop, then from there on it becomes more about them and their grift than it is about the information. Their information winds up behind a paywall.

Later, they’re selling memberships to the spiritually adrift so they can ‘be on the inside’ or ‘be in the know’ all the while selling addictive ‘hopium’ to those who are and feel lost. They move on to television in front of the masses, and profess to be an expert on the ‘hopium’ that they sell. It then becomes a negative feedback loop cycle of: a rise to prominence in a small section of media, then on to paid websites, then on to conferences, on to television specials, and finally comes the regression or downfall due to their inadequate and disingenuous foundations. Then the cycle starts anew with some new ‘personas’ that arrive daily on the internet. They spread their ‘hopium’ in efforts to start down that path. This grift is present in the occult community, and we do not wish to be apart of that distasteful, influencer to fame cycle.

To those few who have stayed true to their aspirations and have remained Ego-less in their presentation… We see you.

Generally, they live and subsist on forums or in social media groups sprinkled about the internet. A few have self organized and have their own websites or businesses. Some are working in the community to further the visibility of Remote Viewing: doing everything they can visually to further our community and it’s trajectory into the future. They truly are trying to take a grassroots approach to waking up the masses; one curious person at a time. Comparatively, there are too few examples to date. All too often the former finds its way forward.

We are avoiding this influencer cycle at all costs and it is constant within our minds when we speak on forums, when we write an article, or speak on a podcast. For this collective’s website: the information is the brand, and not any one personality. We fiercely stand by our data and our work. We stand in our truth.

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

- Marcus Aurelius -

Who we are, currently:

We are not professional authors nor writers. We do the best we can with our eclectic and varying array of college degrees; However, fluent and educated Authors we are not. We present our findings as plainly as we can. No matter the amount of our efforts, there will always be haters.

Occasionally, the articles, forecasts, or commentaries may have some content or perhaps the stray grammatical mistake: forgive us. Additionally, we are not trained psychological experts: we do dabble a little in theoretical psychology or the field of Consciousness Studies, We are no means any sort of professionals in that right.

We are a loose association of professionally trained Remote Viewers. We work the average nine to five jobs. We have been working with Remote Viewing in our spare time, going on about fifteen years now. We would love nothing more than to turn this into a full time gig but the world is still not ready, and hopefully we will arrive there in the short term future.

So we hope you understand us further. It’s what it is. This is un-apologetically who we are. We hope you understand that and what we are. If you would like to share your thoughts we can be found on X.com, Reddit on the r/remote viewing, r/EscapingPrisonPlanet, r/SimulationTheory, r/Glitch_In_The_Matrix, Instagram, and various Facebook Remote Viewing Groups. We’re looking forward to participating in healthy discussions.

Be Well.

“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

-Marcus Aurelius -


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The Cook’s Perspective