Main Article Digital Artwork: ‘Holy Vaccines’ by PSSYPPL @ https://pssyppl.artstation.com/
North American Vaccination Fallout
By Morgan Farrell | August 2021
——— Disclaimer: This report does not contain medical advice. Its contents should be read for educational purposes only. ———
As the global SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, so have our reactions societally. These reactions have been driven by a concerted effort between governmental and non-governmental buraucracies: advised by public health departments, enforced by the media, and adopted by a largely responsive citizenry, measures both recommended and enforced have been objectively novel and unprecedented.
The most recent and broadly adopted COVID countermeasure to date has been the rapid development and deployment of a variety of intramuscular injection products touted as “vaccines”, their type and availability heavily dependent upon regionality. A number of these vaccines - primarily those currently being used in the western world - can be considered rather technologically unique, namely the Johnson & Johnson and Oxford AstraZeneca adenovirus vector products, and the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna messenger RNA (mRNA) products. In all four cases, an argument could be made that these products are in fact not vaccines at all, but more akin to gene therapy.
Inarguably, however: the technology is new, its rollout has been rapid, and its adoption has been high in most areas and demographics. Equally inarguable, albeit far lesser known, is that in each case, these new products have been authorized for emergency-use only. This rare allowance is based upon the ostensible lack of any viable alternative and reliant upon limited, selective, and still ongoing clinical trial data, zero long-term safety profile, and therefore must be considered - by any standard definition - a population-level experiment. In other words, a prime candidate for some independent and objective observation and foresight.
This project was designed as an objective fact-finding mission, a means of “looking ahead” in time at the outcome of a particular event*. Conversely, one could equally well regard this report as an historical perspective, conveniently made available now.
It is the author’s hope that the information contained herein is presented in a manner so as to maximize clarity of our results, as well as our unique operational processes.
*Note: in an attempt to limit the scope of this project to more easily manageable proportions, we chose to focus our attention on the “western” injection campaign involving the Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, Oxford AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson products, without strictly excluding any alternatives in-use elsewhere in the world.
This study was conducted by a team of highly trained and experienced (military-grade) professional remote viewers and students using the Technical Remote Viewing (TRV) method. TRV is a scientifically-developed, military intelligence-derived data collection tool: a teachable and repeatable method of acquiring accurate and objective information about any subject, in a strictly defined and procedural manner, using one’s mental faculties alone, i.e. a specific and proven form of psychic functioning. Note that in spite of its formal title, RV-generated data is not strictly confined to that which is visually detectable, but virtually any perceivable concept.
In any given situation, a trained remote viewer has the capability to accurately describe the solution to even the most technical of problem sets. However the manner in which they do so, via descriptive language and diagrammatic sketching, is (generally) limited in its expression to work within a viewer’s own individual vocabulary and frame-of-reference. As such, a remote viewer working against a target outside of their own extended knowledge base will typically resort to the use of layman’s terminology, or on occasion, even analogy and metaphor as a means of “translating” the raw data perceived by the viewer while in-session. Regardless, a trained and experienced remote viewer will virtually always produce easily understandable and reliably accurate information pertaining to their intended target. The amount of detail achievable is potentially unlimited, however in practical terms, can be subject to a combination of the open-mindedness / scope and scale of a given target, or its complexity / technicality, as well as time constraints during the data collection phase.
None of our team-members are medical professionals, making this project an excellent example of such conditions. That stated: we have, to the best of our abilities, engaged in diligent research in order to present our findings purely independently and in the plainest possible language, although we welcome additional input and commentary on this report in the form of professional insight and constructive criticism.
Standard blind protocol* was strictly adhered to throughout the entirety of the project by all remote viewers with the exception of the project manager (PM), who elected to work under front-loaded** conditions concurrently, but independent from the rest of the team. Each participant was independently provided solely with a set of target reference numbers (TRNs) assigned to the project by the PM, and were instructed to complete and submit one TRV session. Due to time constraints allotted for this project, a limited amount of blind follow-on work was assigned by the PM to extract as much additional data as possible. All participants and the PM met for a round table discussion and presentation of the RV-generated data, where preliminary conclusions were drawn while still operating under blind conditions, followed by the revelation of the target, and subsequent final data analysis. The data collection period for this project ran from April 21 through May 12, 2021.
This project was conducted as a means of predictive intelligence***, using a semi-discreet target with open-ended tasking, in order to allow any relevant data to be recorded during the initial data collection phase, and was supplemented by additional discreet targeting of several specific sub-components of the target identified during initial RV-session work, for greater clarity.
*-Note: blind protocol requires that the project participants (remote viewers) remain unaware of the nature of their target until all RV session work and preliminary data analysis are complete. A given target can be virtually anything that can be sketched and described linguistically - a person, place, thing, event, or even an abstract concept, such as a thought or idea, at any time in the past, present, or future.
**-Note: front-loaded conditions infer that the remote viewer is aware of - to some extent - the nature of their intended target. Front-loaded working conditions can range from general foreknowledge (e.g. the target is a person, tell me about this person), to the specific (i.e. full knowledge of the details of the intended target). Standard blind protocol is always preferable, however an experienced remote viewer can generally reliably work front-loaded, if necessary.
***-Note: predictive intelligence refers to a project or target designed to forecast an event and / or the impact / outcome of an event, in this case, the mid- to long-term results of a mass public injection campaign.
Forecast’s Abstract:
The legacy of the west’s attempted eradication of SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 and its variants by way of mass injection is one of failure. Its hallmarks: good PR and bad science, its signature: human injury. This initial probe / overview of the mass injection experiment’s outcome gives no indication that these so-called “vaccines” are effective in achieving their stated goal.
Inversely, our results indicate an abundance of negative human health effects, ranging from (potentially) debilitating to deadly. A number of wide-ranging symptoms were identified, including, but not necessarily limited to, vascular and cardiovascular disease, female reproductive issues, autoimmune disorders, and more. The precise scope and scale of the damage is indeterminate, but of great significance.
Below are the paraphrased results of each remote viewing session conducted in service of this project. All participants remained blind to the target at the time of the following session descriptions, where after final analysis was conducted (see Conclusions).
Note that results stemming from such an open-ended target may elicit a range of responses from individual remote viewers, some broad, some more narrow and defined, depending on what particular aspect(s) of the target are identified while in-session.
Viewer One:
There’s something wrong - there’s some sort of growth or something, a protuberance inside someone’s ventricle. There’s something else, too. There are toxins present - these remind me of nano-bots or something. There is toxicity in the bloodstream.
And there’s this idea…it’s like outpatient care…where some noted deficiency which I assume to be these issues I’ve identified, are being watched, observed. But there’s the idea of having to wait in line, like there’s a lineup where you have to wait for treatment or surgery.
This reminds me of a slaying - a purposeful killing in some way. I guess this is being done on purpose for some reason?
So you’ve got this idea of a heart with a bulge or growth, something like that. And it’s being watched or monitored in a kind of outpatient way. And there’s blood toxicity. Probably the two are related. There’s also the idea of using metals, maybe colloidal metals like copper and zinc, in removing the toxins that are causing this - and maybe even something mechanical, like a dialysis machine, something to help filter this stuff out of the bloodstream.
Viewer Two:
My session is really kind of general, kind of broad. I would really have to explore each of these ideas more to get any real specifics out of the work here, but the general ideas that come up are: this target is some sort of an intervention. There’s the idea of having to resort to a roadmap leading to something that is conspicuous and fragile, but I don’t know exactly what that’s referring to at this point. There are some other important ideas here - we’ve got a sense of restlessness and a sense of morbidity. But I don’t know specifically what it means.
I’m sorry but I really can’t be any more specific about anything at this point. I’d have to explore each of these ideas individually to see exactly what they’re all about. Unfortunately that’s really all I can say with confidence without digging into it more [engaging in further RV session work].
Viewer Three*:
Overall, this is a centralization process where people are being led into a trap. There is large-scale victimization; people are injured, stressed-out and upset. There are a lot of negative emotions present, as well as a noted ‘dopey’ feeling. My emotional response to this target was VERY negative.
*-Note: this remote viewer also occupied the role of project manager, and was therefore aware of the nature of the target in this sole instance, negating the ability to adhere to standard blind protocol. This work was done concurrently, but independently from all other data collection efforts, and not revealed until the primary analysis of the data was completed.
Viewer Four:
So…there’s a lot going on here, and it’s a little bit confusing. The simplest way I can describe it, is that we are looking at a damaged human zygote and placenta material. It’s being used for examination and reference, like it’s in a lab or something. I get the idea that this one specific example is representative of something bigger.
The damage that’s caused…it looks like something foreign is introduced here. It’s some kind of a ‘spiky’ or ‘hooked’ little ball thing. It ‘shoots in’ and then it causes all these little micro-tears or fine shreds. This somehow brings about the creation of a bunch of little yellowish Y-shaped things [see Fig. 5] that reminds me of pus somehow - it’s like a massive ‘storm’ or a ‘brigade’.
And then there’s this idea of rejection, something being rejected or even ejected, like the ‘host’ is turning on itself somehow. It’s definitely some sort of a process gone wrong. And I get the impression that this was anticipated - not by everyone, but certainly by some.
This process, it’s all organic, but at the same time, it’s some sort of ‘dumb’ technology that’s in-use here (as opposed to so-called ‘smart-tech’). Regardless, it’s causing some irreversible problems. And that’s about it, that’s mainly what’s going on here, at least in as simple of terms as I can explain it - it’s pretty complicated, and I might even be conflating one or two things, but the general idea is clear enough, I think.
Listed below are our conclusions, or what we have determined to be the end results of this mass human injection campaign. Note that it is not our goal to connect any of our findings to any pre-existing narrative, official or otherwise. As such, our final analysis and conclusions are presented independent of any other available information, save for the generally accepted open-source materials used for scientific and medical reference in compiling this report. In an attempt to remain as objective as possible, inferences and editorial commentary have been willfully kept to a conservative minimum.
By nature, the results borne of an open-ended target such as this are expected to be widely varied among participating viewers, with some focusing on a singular, narrower aspect of the whole, and others providing a broader perspective. This exercise has proven no different. Hence, it is likely that there is more to these circumstances that has not been positively identified through our successful, but limited probe. It is reasonable to assume, based on professional experience, that the items we have isolated represent a reliable overview of the greater situation.
Following are the preeminent historical characteristics of the currently ongoing mass-injection campaign as identified by our preliminary RV study, presented under 11 distinct categories, and in no particular order:
1. Blood Toxicity*
Fig. 1: Blind viewer’s diagrammatic representation of lipid nano particles in the bloodstream and inducing toxicity. Note the spherical containers encompassing prominent right angled features, which denote a man-made component: the mRNA.
We have identified the occurrence of an unspecified vascular (blood-borne) disease or diseases. This appears to be in direct relation to the presence of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) [see Fig. 1], the novel delivery system adopted for use in the novel mRNA injections, produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, among others. LNPs are a synthetic delivery mechanism, designed to carry mRNA to its target destination, and facilitate its release, inducing an immune response. LNPs can consist of a variety of materials, although the most common at present seem to be polyethylene glycols (PEGs).
Theoretically, the LNPs should deliver their mRNA payload to the desired location, in this case, by anchoring themselves to the muscle at the injection site. Evidently that is not the situation, and it appears that at least some of these particles fail to anchor, finding their way into general circulation.
The precise frequency and consequence of occurrence is indeterminate, but significant.
Fig. 2: Blind viewer’s diagrammatic representation of unspecified particulate circulating throughout the cardiovascular system, with multiple affected areas marked with an “X”.
2. Cardiovascular Disease*
We have identified the occurrence of an unspecified cardiovascular (heart) disease or diseases in association with the presence of some amount of an unidentified and freely circulating particulate. This could be the toxic LNP, or the spike protein (see 4. Organ Damage). Symptoms observed include some notable protrusion or swelling - possibly myocarditis / pericarditis - as well as lasting reparative damage, possibly as a result of inflammation [see Fig. 2].
The viewer was insistent that this condition is generally not fatal in isolation, presuming it is recognized and cared for in reasonable time.
The precise frequency and severity of occurrence is indeterminate, but significant, and will vary individually.
3. Female Reproduction*
We have identified the occurrence of a damaged and rejected zygote with placental material. The damage appears to include visible scarring / tearing [see Fig. 3]. The precise frequency of occurrence is indeterminate, but significant.
Fig. 3: Blind viewer’s diagrammatic depiction of a heavily damaged zygote with placenta material. Note that the lines are representative of organic micro-lacerations and shredding damage. It is this viewer’s belief that the rejected zygote identified in-session refers to a singular occurrence that becomes a standard point-of-reference and / or an iconic image representative of a wider problem.
4. Organ Damage*
Fig. 4: Blind viewer’s diagrammatic representation of spike protein insertion (injection) and proliferation.
We have identified the occurrence of internal (inter-organ, and possibly veinous) micro-lacerations, described as a form of “shredding”. This appears to be the result of the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 associated spike protein [see Fig. 4], wherein its jagged protein shell lacerates any organic material it encounters. In isolation, this is unlikely an issue, however in abundance and over time, this will likely present symptomatically as inflammation, bleeding, clotting, scarring, or other forms of tissue and organ damage.
This may prove relative to - or even directly causal of - any of the aforementioned afflictions, particularly our unspecified vascular and cardiovascular disease(s) and the notable female fertility issue(s).
The precise frequency, severity, and ensuing complications of occurrence are indeterminate, but significant.
Fig. 5: Blind viewer’s diagrammatic depiction of endogenous (internally generated) antigen formation causing cytokine storm.
5. Cytokine Storm and Antibody-Dependant Enhancement*
We have identified the occurrence of a cytokine storm, in this case, a form of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
ADE refers an autoimmune condition that enhances the virulence of a given pathogen - purportedly SARS-CoV-2, but seemingly, in fact, (at least inclusive of) its spike protein shell - causing the body’s immune system to become overstimulated, effectively turning one’s own immune system against oneself. Cytokine storm is a blanket term applied to the sudden increase of certain inflammation-inducing proteins in circulation - in this case, the apparent result of an autoimmune response involving, or triggered by, the presence of an endogenous (internally generated) antigen [see Fig. 5]. This process may also serve as the mechanism by which the previously described “damaged zygote with placental material” is rejected.
The precise frequency and severity of occurrence is indeterminate, but significant.
6. Mortality
The concept of mortality was directly and indirectly referenced extensively throughout the raw data collected in service of this project. The precise scope and scale is indeterminate, however it is expected to be historically significant.
A number of the conditions identified in this report appear to be generally survivable - if properly diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. This does not, however, exclude the possibility of other long-term debilitating effects or other physical limitations, such as strenuous bodily exertion, incurred as a result of any already extant and irreversible damage.
7. Foreknowledge
Session work indicates that certain individuals involved in this campaign - likely in the upper echelons of public and global health structures, and their counterparts and benefactors in the private sector - anticipated this outcome. Our data set contains numerous indicators of malfeasance, including one direct reference to the purposeful killing of humans.
Foreknowledge does not necessarily, however, imply nefarious intent (which must be determined on a case-by-case basis). Indeed, a number of highly qualified individuals have issued various warnings, while receiving virtually no support - or even acknowledgement - from the establishment scientific, political, and media class. Dr. Michael Yeadon (retired Pfizer VP and Chief Scientific Advisor), Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (former chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee), Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (formerly employed by GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), Dr. Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA vaccine technology), are just a few of the names repeatedly encountered in researching for this report, whose warnings remain unrecognized and unheeded.
The calibre of some of these individuals’ accomplishments alone should grant their concerns some attention and serious consideration by a plethora of authoritative regulatory bodies, but this seems not to be the case.
8. System Overload
Data indicates the necessity of having to “wait in line” to receive treatment, and an abundance of “outpatient care”. This indicates a systemic backlog of individuals requiring care, either as a result of a sudden influx of new patients, a scarcity of caretakers and caretaking facilities and supplies, or a combination of both.
Though not explicitly stated, it could be inferred that the occurrence of some of the previously noted conditions - in particular, but not limited to the presence of a freely circulating toxic lipid nanoparticle with accompanying organ damage could have some effect on reserve blood supplies, and on organ donor status candidacy.
9. Potential Remedies
Session work indicates that an external mechanical filtration process akin to kidney dialysis may prove helpful in alleviating some blood-borne disease related symptoms that may manifest.
Colloidal metals, such as copper and zinc, are also referenced as having some remedial or pro-immunological properties.
10. Emotional Impact
In remote viewing terms, any emotional data acquired in-session is sub-categorized as either objective (emotions associated with or experienced by the target) and subjective (the viewer’s personal and often spontaneous emotional response to the target). Consensus among project participants is that the sum of emotional data collected is overwhelmingly negative.
11. Outliers
One project participant, a student we are working with, presented the team with some seemingly anomalous, yet rather intriguing results. The viewer states that their session describes the act of somehow and for some reason harvesting the energy of humans, and specifically referencing the importance of sweat.
These results have been included in this report because a) the student has a solid track record, b) the data could be construed as thematically or perhaps metaphorically similar in its overarching concept to that of the project results as a whole, and c) for completion’s sake.
*Note: these numerous discrete human health problems identified describe, in singular-case terms, effects that are representative of, and will be experienced by a wider sample of the population.ted (see next section).
In summation: no positive outcomes to this pervasive mass injection campaign have been identified. Alongside numerous incidental findings, our primary discovery regarding this effort is its abject failure in accomplishing its nominal purpose, i.e. to protect human life. In fact, it appears the precise opposite is true. Not only will these products ultimately fail to deliver on their much anticipated promise, they will, in eventuality, be proven the cause of their very own severely injurious epidemic.
Symptoms of injury can only be described as numerous, the result of varying and system-wide damage, and will include: microscopic intravenous and organ tissue damage (tearing, bleeding, clotting) resulting in inflammation and scarring, autoimmune responses, issues related to female reproduction (tissue damage and rejection), blood toxicity, and a consequentially negative emotional impact.
The mechanisms we have identified appear, based on our research, to include: introduction of freely circulating toxic lipid nano-particles, and / or (case dependent) the system-wide presence of spike protein (likely cellularly embedded and also in free circulation).
The number of confirmed cases of each identified symptom (and likely others) will grow drastically with widening recognizance and diagnoses. The accumulation of individual cases will be significant, more so the longer it takes for broad understanding and acceptance of the nature of any seemingly emergent issues.
The precise rate of occurrence and degree of debilitation and mortality is unknown, but significant.
No timetable is available, though one might expect that these effects are presently occurring, either in their early (pre-manifest) stages, or unrecognized as causally-related to injection. A delayed official admission of such incredible failure is expected.
Being subject matter outside of our extended professional wheelhouse, an objective review by qualified individuals would be highly valuable and is recommended.
Hypothetically, it may be advisable for anyone who is of the opinion that the results of our study are valid, particularly those in public service or other leadership positions, to make their position firmly known, immediately.
It may also be advisable to consider, on a personal level, any potential ramifications should our results prove correct, for example the possibility of widespread and extended service disruptions in the near- to mid-term and what that may mean given your own individual and local situation.
Author’s Notes:
This report is, admittedly, incomplete. A study of this nature is never truly complete, and at some point, a balance must be struck. All things considered, I believe that the project and this report did a decent job with that balancing act.
A project of this scope, scale, and topical complexity is a massive undertaking, and out of an abundance of caution, we, as a team, prefer to consider targets such as this at least somewhat experimental (i.e. non-standard) in nature. It would be strategically impractical for us to attempt to uncover and conjugate every minute intrinsic detail. Rather, the intent was to identify as many key characteristics or occurrences associated with this future scenario as possible in the available timeframe in order to establish a consensus on the generalities: are we looking at a positive or a negative outcome? Is it successful? And so forth. Given the circumstances, expectations (in terms of clarity of results) were met and exceeded, despite our team’s combined lack of experience and formal education regarding the subject matter.
Without doubt, further exploration into some of the more general concepts identified by us would uncover a great deal of additional detail, and supplementary RV-probes would likely uncover additional concepts and occurrences not identified during the initial data collection phase of the project. There exist an almost unlimited number of avenues down which details could be chased, each with the potentially warranting its own large-scale supplemental project. Such is the nature of discovery.
It is also highly likely that this report contains some degree of technical or linguistic inaccuracy. This is the inevitable result of the translation process between our (layman’s) RV-generated data set and our own independent research and analysis. Nonetheless, the general ideas presented are clear, and still stand.
Though the contents of this report paint a rather bleak image, I’d like to end on a high note: I am, ultimately (and perhaps unexpectedly), an irresolute optimist. First - and this is something that a family member has had to remind me of on more than one occasion recently - the human body has an incredibly capacity for resilience in the face of tremendous abuse.
And second - though I do believe that some degree of societal turmoil and upheaval is inevitable as a result of our leaders’ handling of this crisis as a whole - I also believe that if history serves as an example (and it does), the rebound phase will provide an opportunity for positive reform and introduce a rejuvenated cycle of innovation.
I hope that you have found this report clear, informative, and helpful rather than disheartening. Moreover, I hope it is entirely inaccurate.
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